View Full Version : Cat bite

29-09-15, 10:18
I'm freaking out because my cat bit me last night because i went to the bathroom instead of the kitchen and he wanted feeding.
He took a massive 'snake bite' to my leg so much so the area is bruised.

I rang my doctor this morning and he said to keep an eye on it over the next 48 hours in case of infection, well this is what's scaring me I'm going to be constantly worried now untill it's healed!
It is warm to touch but not red or anything.

How can I stop worrying tho don't almost all cat bites result in something serious? :(

29-09-15, 10:47
Did the bite break the skin? If you are really concerned, go to your nearest walk in centre.
If it was infected, I'd imagine it would be red. I recently had cellulitis due to an insect bite and the area was angry red, raised and very hot to touch. I needed antibiotics, this cleared really quickly once in my system, but even though it's healed, there's still a little purple mark.
I really believe you'll be fine, but if that can't reassure you, then go to a walk in or call 111 for further advice.

29-09-15, 10:48
I always worry when my cat bites or scratches me. I will always make sure if it thoroughly cleaned and give it a good 5 minutes soak in as hot as you can stand water to kill off any bacteria.

29-09-15, 12:29
Thank you ladies, I'm sure it's fine but I can't stop worrying it will suddenly get worse that's my health anxiety I guess :(
I was going to have a lavender bath but would bath water make it dirty? How do I bathe with boiling hot water?
I think I have tcp will that help? x

29-09-15, 13:34
So long as the skin hasn't been broken you will be fine. You could give the area a bathe with TCP if you want. If you're really anxious about it give 111 a call?

29-09-15, 15:14
I gave it a bathe with TPC, the skin is broken I rang my nurse earlier she said keep an eye on it but I'm so anxious! I keep checking. :(

29-09-15, 15:40
Hi MissSunshine,
I really wanted to reply to this thread, I've had cats all my life and have had more bites than I can count.
A lot of people do not know this, but cat bites, much like certain types of snake bites are in fact poisonous( I bet you're feeling better already eh:P)
Because of this, in my experience it is important to get bites cleaned up relatively quickly-the odds are if the toxins and bacteria in the cats saliva are going to take hold they will do so fairly rapidly, looking at your post it sounds like this happened 7 or 8 hours ago now so I think you're safe.
I rescued a feral cat who'd had his eye injured a couple of summers back, he ravaged my hand and even though it took me an hour to get home and clean it up no infection ever took hold-though I still have the scars on my fingers!
Hope that's put your mind at ease, don't keep rubbing or over washing the cut as that is probably more likely to cause an infection than the bite at this point.

29-09-15, 17:27
Mark thank you for your reply, judging by your profile picture I can tell you are a cat lover like me!
I am very happy to hear this. It happened around 11pm so it has been a few hours I've worried myself sick I think tho as I've been feeling sick all day. Which didn't help!
I have been bit by my cat before a few times actually and was fine but this time I am more aware of how dangerous it is. I am over cleaning it so I will stop now.
Thank you for your help I just need to stop checking it now and obsessing over it the fact you said it would have quite quickly has really helped.
Thanks again everyone!

---------- Post added at 17:27 ---------- Previous post was at 17:25 ----------

I have a question, if the bites are poisonous why in my case did it not cause an infection? Of course I'm so happy it didn't. I didn't clean it untill the morning after either.

29-09-15, 18:53
My cats bitten me loads of times I just wash it stick a plaster on its no big deal ?

29-09-15, 19:14
I have been a veterinary technician for 13 years. In those 13 years, I have been bitten about 6 to 8 times by cats, 3 were pretty bad, 1 was really bad. Out of all those bites, only 2 every became infected, one of them started to show signs of infection within 12 hours.

I have only known 2 people that had to be hospitalized due to cat bites, both of them did not properly clean the area or take care of the wound afterward. Both of them did just fine on some IV antibiotics and made full, uneventful recoveries. Yes, cat bites can turn ugly if left untreated, but rarely life threatening. Seeing as you have HA, like myself, you are very in tuned with your body and wouldn't let it get to the point where it became an emergency situation. Keep it clean and watch for redness, swelling and obviously drainage of any kind. If you see that (or if you're just really worried about it) go get it checked, they will put you on antibiotics just in case. I'm sorry that your kitty bit you :-(

29-09-15, 21:21
My cats bitten me loads of times I just wash it stick a plaster on its no big deal ?

That's what I thought untill I stupidly googled :(

---------- Post added at 21:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ----------

Thank you nervous Nelly, sounds like you know your stuff!would have there most likely been some sort of sign by now if it is bad? I don't normally clean the bites but today I did and ive put a plaster on it too.

What worrying me is I didn't clean straight away I just went to bed thinking nothing of it then realised in the morning it was sore. I'm frightened to go near my cat now he isn't viscous but play fights!

I've been putting Sudocrem on the cut I hope it's enough! Thank you I m
May send a pic tomorrow if you don't mind x

30-09-15, 12:59
Hey MissSunshine,
the reason the poison didn't affect you is because you're (hopefully) MUCH MUCH bigger than the small creatures that cats have evolved to hunt :)
If you were a pigeon then I'd advise you to consider another pet :P

30-09-15, 17:20
This made me laugh. True!! :) there's no change from yesterday except I have a poorly tummy! :(

01-10-15, 02:58
Whenever I have a bite that becomes infected, it's pretty obvious. I will see pus or a milky drainage coming from the puncture wound(s) (lovely, right?), but soreness is a given with any bite. Mine are always the most sore on the second and third day, then they get better. Strangely enough, animal bites don't trigger my HA... Probably because I've had so much exposure to them. I was, however, bitten by a kitten once that the doctor suspected had rabies, I freaked out on the inside until the test results came back. No rabies for the kitten... Or me :)

01-10-15, 15:14
We don't have rabies in the UK

01-10-15, 16:58
Y'all are very lucky, it's a terrifying illness that we see all too often here in the states.

02-10-15, 13:49
Y'all are very lucky, it's a terrifying illness that we see all too often here in the states.

We're more in to Mad cow disease in jolly old England, if you think rabies is scary wait till your burger jumps off the BBQ and takes a bite of you :winks:

02-10-15, 16:07
We're more in to Mad cow disease in jolly old England, if you think rabies is scary wait till your burger jumps off the BBQ and takes a bite of you :winks:


Ah yes, good ol' Mad Cow Disease! We have that here too, although maybe not as prevalent. *sigh* if it's not Mad Cow or Salmonella in your meat, it's E Coli. in your spinach or Listeria in your ice cream... Sometimes I feel like food is just unsafe.

03-10-15, 10:41

Ah yes, good ol' Mad Cow Disease! We have that here too, although maybe not as prevalent. *sigh* if it's not Mad Cow or Salmonella in your meat, it's E Coli. in your spinach or Listeria in your ice cream... Sometimes I feel like food is just unsafe.

teehee, I'm pretty confident after eating food for 31 years that it's quite safe, but i'm going to have another mars bar, errr... just to make sure.:shades: