View Full Version : Brain tumor? Scared and need a friend

29-09-15, 00:46
Hi I frequent this forum quite often and too be honest nothing has improve. Let me give some background. Hi, I'm Dylan. For the past 6 months I've suffered severe anxiety, including GAD, HA, Panic Disorder. I have diagnosed myself with over 30 illnesses including heart disease, , stroke, heart attack, eye cancer, spinal tumor, ALS, Multipld Sclerosis etc.

I've had 4 blood work ups, a ct scan of my head twice, diabetes tests, 2 ekgs, heart monitor, blood pressure tests, 3 eye exams, and constant doctors visits.

Recently I feel as if my eyes have gone shoddy. Let me preface by saying that I have bad short sighted vision and wear glasses. A couple of weeks ago, I visited a new optometrist. He botched my eye examination and gave me glasses that did not work. I then went back a week later, and my test results seemed a little more reasonable, but then the lens shop messed up my lenses. I was floored and then believed I was going blind. I then went to a third private practice doctor to which I got nice glasses that seemed to work, until two minutes after I put them on. Am I overanalyzing my vision?

All the eye doctors say my eyes are healthy but I swear their sight is diminishing and I'm scared. Please someone help! I think maybe my constant awareness of my vision is making things worse


29-09-15, 01:00
Been through the exact same thing in the past.

Focusing on your vision can 100% make you feel like it's getting worse. I did it myself. Believe me when I say that an optometrist will have been able to tell if you had anything serious going on either with your eyes, or your head. It's VERY clear when something is wrong, AND you say you've had a CT scan. Trust me, you're fine :)

By the way, I'm heading to sleep now as it's 1am here in the UK but I'll be on here tomorrow. Try not to panic about it, I've been through exactly what you are with your eyes.

29-09-15, 01:11
Did you get it when you first woke up as well? Btw thank you so much for replying. It's move to know that someone is there for me.

---------- Post added at 00:11 ---------- Previous post was at 00:04 ----------

Also, I feel like the headaches get worse win my new glasses on. Do you think because I have had recourse with the first eye doctor that when I put

29-09-15, 01:23
How about you do this...

Print out the threads you've posted and show your parents. Tell them you really aren't coping and you need help.

IMO, you're in a really bad place and nothing anyone says here is helping at all. I've seen it before. Many are really trying to help but just can't see it and nothing that can be written will change that right now.

Please, for your own sake an those around you, I hope a little of what I'm saying gets through. You need to get some help now. Call the local mental health hotline. Every area in the states has one. Go to your parents and ask them to help you get help.

My daughter is 22. Last year she came to me and did just that. I (and her mother) made sure she got help! She's been in therapy and on meds and is doing great now. You're too young to be held captive like this.

Good luck and positive thoughts

29-09-15, 10:19
Did you get it when you first woke up as well? Btw thank you so much for replying. It's move to know that someone is there for me.

---------- Post added at 00:11 ---------- Previous post was at 00:04 ----------

Also, I feel like the headaches get worse win my new glasses on. Do you think because I have had recourse with the first eye doctor that when I put

Had it when I first woke up, had it during the day, had it just before I went to sleep lol.

I also wear glasses and it's TOTALLY NORMAL to get headaches when you get a new pair. I literally went through the exact same worries as you, thinking it was something else.

Your eyes can go a bit blurry because you're focusing (no pun intended) on them too much, because they're tired, because YOU'RE tired which anxiety will most certainly do, because you're staring at this forum for hours... lol.

I agree with Fishmanpa that your anxiety is clearly getting the better of you here judging by your recent posts. I truly believe this is one of those things where if you could just forget about it for a while, you'll suddenly realise all the problems disappear.

29-09-15, 18:31
Hi K,

I've been relaxin all day and just want to update you. I do feel as if my eyes have gotten a smidge better, although not perfect. I guess it'll take some time get over it. How long did it take you?


29-09-15, 20:26
Dylan - listen to Fishmanpa - you do keep posting about the same things and won't listen to any assurances from people here. I think what you are experiencing can absolutely be brought on by and made significantly worse by anxiety and panic.

You need to reach out to someone close to you for help, someone that will understand you and work with you to get help. Please do go see a professional, one that specializes in health anxiety. They will also tell you that they've seen all your symptoms before and that with help you can make a full recovery from anxiety.