View Full Version : Am I going blind? PLEASE HELP**

27-09-15, 15:30
Hello, I am having a very rough time with Health Anxiety lately. I'm from NA/USA and lately I have been fixating on my eyes to the point of no return. In august of this year, I had a botched eye exam that threw me for a loop. I have since been to three eye doctors and all say things are fine, but I don't believe them. I got new glasses that seemed wonderful at first, but now I am overanalyzing my sight and can not stop thinking that my vision is getting worse. Am I making myself have blurry vision? I am so scared and I really need someone's help immediately. I have always thought I have been dying of some illness. In the past couple months, I have though I've had ALS, MS, a brain tumour, heart disease, lyme disease, dibetes, stroke, etc. I have had a CAT scan of my brain, 4 blood work ups, 2 EKGS of my heart, 3 emergency room (A & E) visits, and countless other doctors appointments. Please help me....... :'(


27-09-15, 15:53
Dylan you have been to 3 eye doctors and they have all told you that your eyes are fine and now you are asking members here for advise? I think I would rather listen to the eye doctors...they are the experts not us.
Anxiety can cause blurry vision. Are you getting any therapy for your anxiety?

27-09-15, 16:03
I am going to CBT yes, but nothing is happening. I am just really scared. I've been diagnosed with HA, OCD, panic disorder. I just don't know why I can't believe them. It's really hard for me and no one wants to talk to me because of it :(

---------- Post added at 14:58 ---------- Previous post was at 14:57 ----------

Also the anxiety blurred vision is like constant. I mean I am highly long sighted, and my prescription did change.

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I just really want someone to talk to. What's weird is that my blurry vision seems constant. But when I first wake up, that's what I immediately think about and maybe I am creating the problem.

---------- Post added at 15:03 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------

Also I meant short sighted....

27-09-15, 16:07
But when I first wake up, that's what I immediately think about and maybe I am creating the problem.

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Also I meant short sighted....

Yes maybe you are, you really must try to trust the doctors.

27-09-15, 16:09
I will try to trust the doctors. It's hard to trust American doctors because they do not take mental health very seriously here..... Also, I've had symptoms of weakness as well when I had a fear of a brain tumour, but those have since passed and I've forgotten all about it.

27-09-15, 16:10
Anxiety also makes you feel weak.

27-09-15, 16:14
It's funny how a new symptom pops up and such. It all started prior to me attending University and I think that triggered some anxiety.... who knows. I feel hopeless sometimes, but I really appreciate you replying so fast.

---------- Post added at 15:14 ---------- Previous post was at 15:12 ----------

Also in March of this year, I had a bad experience with Zoloft. It made me feel like I was losing my mind, and it has since impacted me greatly and I've never felt the same. I am off it now, have been since the incident, but it really took a toll on me and I still haven't recovered.....

27-09-15, 16:34
Hi I have been suffering from severe health anxiety and I am right now focusing on my eyes to the point of no return. I had a botched eye exam (twce) a couple of weeks ago and since then been to 3 different eye docs convinced I am going blind. Am I causing my vision to get worse by fixating on it 24/7?

PS: I have been diagnosed with OCD, panic disorder, GAD, And HA. I really need help. I spend every day alllll day convinced I am dying of something. Over 750 google searches in 1 week. I just want to cry. I've had two cts of my head, 4 blood tests, 2 heart monitors/ekgs, 4 A & E visits and everyone chalks it up to stress........

Also my vision did get worse from last year by about .5 in each eye, but now I feel like it's changing again since a couple of weeks ago. Could this be anxiety related?


Dylan C

27-09-15, 16:39
Hi Dylan,
i don't know how old you are but our eyes do change throughout our lives, you may wear glasses at some point or contact lenses.
I do know vision can "cut out" (like the static on a tv, or go black briefly) from stress, I've experienced it myself, if that's it it'll pass.
Opticians will be easily able to tell if anything severe is going wrong, but I suspect it is stress related.

27-09-15, 16:42
thank you for responding. is it possible to have constant blurriness from stress. I mean from the time I wake up its all I think about I might be making it worse? I mean it did set me off when they messed up my eye exam... I just want to cry 24/7.

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im 18

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everyone insists that there is nothing wrong but I swear something is up with my vision. Is it necessary to go back for a fourth time or should I just wait it out?

27-09-15, 16:56
Hi Dylan,

It's apparent from your posts that you're in a bad place at the moment. Seeking reassurance is a hallmark HA behavior and you're certainly looking for it. The thing is, you've had the very best reassurance you can get in that three trained medical professionals and multiple exams and tests have proven your eyes are fine. What could someone say on an internet forum that would hold more weight and expertise?

Those with vision issues tend to have a decline in their lives. A little here and there and eventually as you mature, it will stabilize and sometimes even improve a bit (mine did in the left eye).

IMO, at 18 years old there's nothing sinister going on with your eyes but there is something wrong in the way you're reacting to perceived issues concerning them. That's anxiety. Keep working on that with the CBT and you'll learn to gain control over how you react to physical and mental stimuli.

Positive thoughts

27-09-15, 17:13
re HA over my eyes. Have problems with my vision anyway. But when my
anxiety is bad I really think the sight in my left eye is going to disappear
altogether which of course makes the anxiety worse. Am sure you are feeling similar especially as you have had eye tests. I know it is awful but when you get your anx more under control do hope you will feel better.
Hope you get some good answers as there are some very helpful people
on this sight. Best of luck. Hopey.

27-09-15, 17:17
Thank you guys so much for replying. I really hope that I can get better, I am in such a rough patch at the moment. Do you guys experience blurry vision 24/7 because that is a new symptom obvi and I haven't had it before until recently. I mean my vision did change from last year. Maybe the botched eye exam has really messed me up and it'll take me a little but to really get over it just like all the other things that have been wrong in the past

27-09-15, 17:24
Hi Dylan, if you have been diagnosed with several types of anxiety, are you getting any help with them?

I was like you a few years ago. It's documented on here through my old posts from 2011, 2012, etc. Every little symptom I would obsess over and panic like it was the end of the world. Nothing ended up being serious. You are really young, so don't waste this great time in your life worrying about these things. Get some help (if you aren't already) and treat the anxiety. Then you won't even notice these symptoms anymore.

I used to obsess over floaters, "blind spots" that weren't really there, etc at one point. Now that my HA is getting a little bit more under control, I don't even notice them.

27-09-15, 17:28
I have been going to CBT, but my life right now is just really hard. I am going through some life changes, as I was supposed to start Uni in the fall but had to postpone until january because of stress. I also am helping a friend who just recently lost her fiance in a motorcycle accident this past month and it's been really hard on me. I feel like I am dying most of the time, and now my hair is starting to fall out. I constantly focus on my eyes and they seem to be getting worse when I do that. Did that ever happen to you?

27-09-15, 17:48
Hello, I am having a very rough time with Health Anxiety lately. I'm from NA/USA and lately I have been fixating on my eyes to the point of no return. In august of this year, I had a botched eye exam that threw me for a loop. I have since been to three eye doctors and all say things are fine, but I don't believe them. I got new glasses that seemed wonderful at first, but now I am overanalyzing my sight and can not stop thinking that my vision is getting worse. Am I making myself have blurry vision? I am so scared and I really need someone's help immediately. I have always thought I have been dying of some illness. In the past couple months, I have though I've had ALS, MS, a brain tumour, heart disease, lyme disease, dibetes, stroke, etc. I have had a CAT scan of my brain, 4 blood work ups, 2 EKGS of my heart, 3 emergency room (A & E) visits, and countless other doctors appointments. Please help me....... :'(


27-09-15, 18:35
Stress can make HA worse, that's for sure. I know when I am sad, stressed, tired, etc it is worse and I am more likely to notice symptoms. The more you focus on it, the worse it will seem. What would your CBT tell you to do to work through this difficult fear?

27-09-15, 18:44
You are not hopeless at all...anxiety is a real illness. Not easy to overcome it but you will with support from professionals and a lot of effort on your part.

27-09-15, 19:07
Thanks! (: I am starting to not focus on my eyes and it seems like it's going away but very slowly. Hmmmmm maybe it is stress. I mean it is still there but not as bad as it was.

27-09-15, 19:08
She wants me to use thought stopping to help with my anxiety. Like replacing the thoughts of my eyes with something positive but it isn't working.....

27-09-15, 19:17
I am sure it is stress :)

27-09-15, 19:25
Hopefully! I really appreciate you talking to me. Going on this forum today has really helped me!

Do you have any techniques I could use to stop this stress?

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Hopefully! I also noticed that my eyes are getting really dry and when I rinse them, the blurriness seems to fade a tad too. Maybe I can use that as a placebo effect on my eyes!

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Thanks for chatting! It really did help me

27-09-15, 19:36
Hi, I'm Dylan.

I have posted several times in this forum but really need as much reassurance as I can get. As stated previously, I suffer from Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, OCD, and HA.

Recently, I went to the eye doc, a new one, because I noticed I needed to get new glasses. Well, the damn eye doc messed up my exam really bad and now I am flipping. Then he retested a second time and got more normal numbers and then the glasses shop accidentally put prisms in my glasses. This really set off my HA and I am convinced I am going blind. I went to my originial doc for a third eye exam, to which he said my eyes are completely healthy and gave me a prescription. I got the glasses and at first they seemed really clear and now I am convinced that they are not working and my vision got worse since last week.

Could this blurriness be because I was freaked out that they messed up my eye exam and now I am hyperaware and making things blurry?

Let me also say that in the past I have convinced myself that I had a brain tumour, heart disease, lyme disease, stroke, brain cancer, etc. I've had ekgs, trips to the A&E, ct scans of my brain, 4 blood work ups, bld pressure tests, and all have come back normal.

Could I really be causing this?

PLEASE REPLY, I need reassurance again

With love,

an anxious 18-year old

27-09-15, 20:05
Just to let you know that I have merged your threads.

This makes it easier for others to see what has already been said and it is also easier for you to organise the replies.

Elen Admin

27-09-15, 20:10
Thank you elen!