View Full Version : Event monitor and left leg pain

23-09-15, 18:28
Back yet again, but this time I found a doctor who is taking my tachycardia somewhat seriously and put me on a 7 day monitor.

A few hours into day one I got a call from the office saying they were pushing my appointment up to this Friday because my readings are abnormal. I of course started to get very nervous and asked what was abnormal and they said I'm showing sinus tachy. The problem is I'm terrified that it is being caused by a PE.

My left leg has been hurting around the calf, I'm very short of breath when I get out of bed in the morning and doing household chores and my heart rate is going up to 170ish.

I'm terrified that they are missing a blood clot since they didn't test me for it. I did have a d dimer done on 8/29 in the ER, but I wonder if something could've changed since then. I want to go back to the ER to be checked again, but they always send me on my way and say it's just anxiety.

23-09-15, 19:38
I think it is a good idea that you go back to ER because if not you will be nervous thinking about a blood clot and then your heart reading might not be as accurate?
Let us know how you get on x