View Full Version : Please read update

22-09-15, 19:59
Hey Guys, just an update on how I'm doing, the headaches are OK I guess , I mean I'm so nervous I can't even tell if I have one or not, it seems to be a pain in one spot on top of my head tho, I had a déjà vu a few days ago,(symptom), but other than that I'm fine, I had a game (soccer) outside in the cool air 70 degree , and my ears started to hurt really bad and I got a headache this was Sunday , but main symptom is just the headache now , I can't really say I'm having any other symptoms...thanks as always for any input,

23-09-15, 05:30
As a very long time sufferer of health anxiety, I can relate to your fears. I am not a doctor but I have lived long enough and had enough fears and tests that I can assure you that you are fine. You have had the tests and you are still active. You are almost certainly having sinus or allergy related issues again. That doesn't mean that your fears are not real or a sign of weakness, it just means that you have health anxiety. You are hyper aware of your body right now and your mind is racing out of control thinking the worst. In time, you will learn to use your intellect to control your emotions. You may need medication or counseling but I promise that you will get better. People on this site will help. You will have times of despair but you will rebound. Trust your doctor and good luck.


23-09-15, 21:16
Thanks so much for you're input J2, I believe u!