View Full Version : concerned

22-09-15, 11:20
Could do with some friendly advice. Recently I was admitted to hospital with chest pain. They suspected gall stones and I had a scan. They didnt find any gall stones on the scan. I have a appointment booked in October for a camera into my stomach. I have had lots of anxiety symptoms (although I don't always think it's that). I went to see the gp after the hospital admission and she said she wasn't concerned. I forgot to tell her I have had lower back ache in my right side. It sometimes feels like it's spreading into my bottom. I did notice that when I had my period it was a bit more painful. My question is should I have told the doctor or am I just letting anxiety get the better of me. Any friendly advice would be appreciated. Having a wobble today x

22-09-15, 12:48
I think if you have had tests and obviously had a doc look into it, then you can relax, if they thought it was something important they would have booked you in immediately x

22-09-15, 13:10
Hi thanks for the reply. I didn't actually mention the back symptom. I had bloods which indicated an infection and my liver function was up. They are repeating bloods and investigating. My anxiety is quite high and I am concerned because I didn't mention it? Would you make an appointment? I hate wasting people time x

22-09-15, 14:05
You are not wasting people time, it is their job. If you think it is important then yes, I would go along x