View Full Version : The shakes (alcohol)

Shapeshifting Lizard
21-09-15, 00:35
I'm just a bit worried by myself cause despite my best intentions I've been on a five day binge and I've drunk almost 5 litre bottles of vodka. I'm worried cause I've been shaking for nearly 3 days and it comes with panic and seeing images on the back of my eyelids, usually terrifying so it doesn't allow me to try and sleep. I've been awake for 24 hours and it's subsided in the middle of the day, and my doctor told me you don't get withdrawl unless you go 2-3 days with nowt. I'm just worried about myself. I know even if it's not technically withdrawl I'm still shaking, badly.

21-09-15, 00:41
Alcohol controls anxiety for me , its not good as you know :weep:

Its a blanket and the more we drink the more the anxiety hits like a brick when the alcohol wears off .

I suspect its anxiety not with drawel .

My doc said a slow cut down is best .

You get with drawel symtems when your body craves alcohol which can and is often the first day you dont drink so i,m sorry he / she is talking from txt book not experience so could be either

Hope you feel better soon keep in touch as i can relate to this .

Shapeshifting Lizard
21-09-15, 00:48
Alcohol controls anxiety for me , its not good as you know :weep:

Its a blanket and the more we drink the more the anxiety hits like a brick when the alcohol wears off .

I suspect its anxiety not with drawel .

My doc said a slow cut down is best .

Hope you feel better soon keep in touch as i can relate to this .

This morning I had what I can only describe as the worst hangover ever, I was considering taking myself to hospital. But I've been interacting with the staff here and my girlfriend fine. From about 2 onwards I've been fine cause I've been drinking, but it's not that much (I've drunk about a 1/3 of a litre the whole day which isn't much for me). But I can understand you saying it may just be anxiety because since I've been having panic attacks I've been getting used to noticing it. It's just been so bad. I don't really know what my point is if I'm not gonna get help (I don't mean generally, I'm considering visiting my local alcohol service even if I'm sober), but I hope it subsides. I was seriously worried it wouldn't end.

21-09-15, 00:54
Drink water in between each drink, also go to bed with water and have your last drink before you go to bed, decide that is it, then go to bed and lie down and stay there, you will sleep eventually.

21-09-15, 01:00
All I can say is I hope you find a way to stop the alcohol abuse. Keep on drinking like this and you won't have to worry about the shakes or anything else for that matter.

Good luck and positive thoughts

21-09-15, 01:07
This morning I had what I can only describe as the worst hangover ever, I was considering taking myself to hospital. But I've been interacting with the staff here and my girlfriend fine. From about 2 onwards I've been fine cause I've been drinking, but it's not that much (I've drunk about a 1/3 of a litre the whole day which isn't much for me). But I can understand you saying it may just be anxiety because since I've been having panic attacks I've been getting used to noticing it. It's just been so bad. I don't really know what my point is if I'm not gonna get help (I don't mean generally, I'm considering visiting my local alcohol service even if I'm sober), but I hope it subsides. I was seriously worried it wouldn't end.

Thats my next call mate the local alcohol service but its 4 weeks wait .

There are a few self help groups / forums etc and i,ve used alcohol for 32 years to control anxiety but only realised this 4 years ago since then my drinking can be bad some days :mad:

PM me if you want the links to the forum i use , its not been much help TBH but worth a shot maybe

21-09-15, 05:36
Hi Shapeshifter,

I'm with Fishmanpa - binges like that will kill you sooner than you think. Get help.

As for the shakes / panic / inability to sleep, my guess is that it is alcohol toxicity as your body desperately tries to process the alcohol going in. Don't try to drink more to stop symptoms or add in CNS suppressants like opioid analgesics or benzodiazepines as it can push you over the edge.

Find help and good luck.

21-09-15, 06:24

Have you contacted the service you were with to see what help is available to you? Your situation is complex and you need support.

Thats is a hell of a lot of spirit to drink. Please be careful as alcohol can be toxic in certain levels and you will end up needing hospital attention.

21-09-15, 07:29
I have also used alcohol to control anxiety, more specifically to aid sleep. I had a belief that without it, I wouldn't sleep. Anyhow, after a two night stay in hospital, following an operation, I now know my belief is rubbish. I've had no alcohol for three nights, I've slept, and strangely, despite what I'm going through with post op care, I feel stronger to deal with it. I was a 2-3 glass wine drinker.
I'm now seeing where my therapist was coming from, unless I learn to deal with the anxiety, instead of trying to avoid it, I'm never going to believe that I can cope with it
Wishing you luck, xx

21-09-15, 09:41
I hope you get help to give up alcohol because the amounts you arw drinking are very dangerous and your anxiety will only get worse and worse.
I have been through it, I encourage you to be brave and take that first step of getting help x

21-09-15, 17:16
I used to do the same thing to control my anxiety. It worked great. I would drink a few beers and no more anxiety. It was like a cure all. But i started drinking more and more. And doing more and more stupid things. I became a full blown alcoholic. I almost lost my wife and kids and job. I quit cold turkey (sober 3 years) and its the best thing I have ever done. I had to apologize to a lot of people and right a lot of wrongs. The road I went down is not one you want for yourself. I seriously doubt the shakes you are feeling is anything to be concerned about. It takes some getting used to, learning to live without the alcohol as a crutch. It will be hard to sleep at first. Hard to deal with life at times. But these things will pass. I sincerely hope you are able to conquer this. All the best!

21-09-15, 17:34
I would honestly suggest going to the hospital to detox safely. They can give you iv fluids and meds to help you sober up safely. Alcohol withdrawal can kill you if it's bad enough and you really would benefit from some help.