View Full Version : A positive ANA blood result

20-09-15, 16:31
Hi all, anybody had a blood result come back positive for ANA, and what did this mean for you?

I have been feeling unwell now for quite some time. Normal bloods come back ok, but because of extreme exhaustion and problems with muscle and joint pain my GP ordered a special blood test for autoimmune disorders.

Got a call Monday saying my ANA result is positive and I've been referred to a rhumatologist consultant who will be doing further investigation.

My GP confirmed I definitely have an auto immune disorder but there are s few different types. Lupus keeps coming up in Dr Google (know I shouldn't). Anyone gone through anything similar ?

My anxiety disorder playing up big time now, which I'm sure isn't helping things.

20-09-15, 16:33
please keep us updated, michelle.


20-09-15, 17:05
I have had a positive ANA and my rheumatoid factor is always high. Saw 2 rheumatologists who both said i didn't have rheumatoid athritis and that was that. I have been ill 14yrs and only ever been diagnosed with m.e/cfs.

20-09-15, 21:24
Hi, how high was your result? Also, did they tell you your pattern? Often ana is just high with no reason. Ana high all other tests negative. I do have raynauds, alopecia areata and recurrent miscarriages which are all linked to immune system stuff but nothing more serious like lupus. Personally, I would brace yourself to not find any answers, because often there are none. But also it's better not to be diagnosed... Obviously!

20-09-15, 22:12
Thanks for relies guys.

ANA positive 1/80. Nucleolar pattern

I know already it has affected the gland that produces saliva so been given mouth gel as my mouth is incredibly dry. Also I've got blurred vision because the glands not producing tears and I have dry eyes so got artificial tears to put in 4 times a day.

Totally exhausted and it's affecting joints in hands and feet. Also tips of my fingers go numb and white. I'm sensitive to cold, loads of other symptoms. Just a worry waiting to know what's going on.

21-09-15, 04:51
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about five years ago. I get flares of deep pain, among other things, but nothing that points to any specific autoimmune disease. This year I had a positive ANA as well as RF, but my doctor was not concerned as long as I don't have several other symptoms.
I got these results when I was struggling very badly with my health anxiety, so I know how terrifying abnormal test results are- it's like a worst fear come to life. Google is usually the enemy, I know, but learning about autoimmune diseases really helped me feel better about the fact that I may have one. Sometimes learning about the thing you fear can ease your worries.

---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ----------

Forgive me if it's not ok for me to say, by your symptoms sound like Sjorgrn's Syndrome. It's quite manageable. ��

21-09-15, 08:31

Agree it sounds like sjorgrens syndrome... But also wanted add that that result is classes as borderline positive. It's not necessarily a true positive result. To give some context, I know someone with sjorgrens who has an ana titre of 1350 (or a similar number, definitely in the thousands) she also has anti ro antibodies. I have ANA's of 1:320 homogeneous/speckled pattern (it fluctuates) which is classed as a low positive. But all my other tests are negative.


21-09-15, 08:35
Thanks for replys.

Yes I agree the most likely culprit is Sjögren's syndrome (just hope it's not lupus).
I have all the symptoms of Sjögren's, but then on top of that my body aches from head to foot, fever that comes and goes. Joint pain and zero energy.

To be honest I've felt something was wrong for over a year. Drs kept putting it down to depression and anxiety. I don't have depression but I do have anxiety. These symptoms were not anxiety tho. I think we all know our bodies and know when something's not right.

Hopefully once I get a firm diagnosis they can manage the symptoms, so in a way I'm pleased I now know what's causing me to feel so unwell.

A lot of my health anxiety has been knowing something's not right but just being told its anxiety. I'm now off anti depressants and treating the actual illness.

Anybody with an ANA positive result....any tips of diet or vitamins that can help the immune system? I'm taking omega 3,6,9.

Vitamin D and vitamin C and magnesium to help the muscle cramps. I want to try dealing with this with natural remedies wherever possible.

Hate taking Meds (and the side effects). Hugs to everyone else dealing with an autoimmune disorder x

21-09-15, 11:38

I'm a bit like you. I have anxiety but not depression, also hate taking meds!

Vitamins-wise; I take Omega 3 (Don't take 6 and 9 as these are PRO-INFLAMMATORY!), I take a good multi-vit, occasional co-enzyme Q10 100mg, avoid caffeine, exercise and lots of fruit and veg. 8 hours sleep. Chocolate makes me feel awful.

I have taken steroids to supress my immune system in the past, that was fine just made me a bit angrier than normal.

Space xxx

21-09-15, 12:19
God!!! I am so pleased you told me about omega 6 & 9. I never knew that! I get a combined omega fish oil tablet which has all 3 in.

Here's me thinking I'm helping my body heal and I might of been making it worse.

Thanks so much for the advice. Hope you are managing to keep your symptoms at bay. Do you find you have flare ups which leave you exhausted and other times where you feel ok? Or does it affect you each and every day?

This last 2 weeks has been the worst for me. Really drained and in pain. Hope it's just a flare up and settles down soon.

Finding it adds to my anxiety because I'm more aware of every little symptom/ache/pain. Also got a water infection 2 days ago and on a 3 day course of antibiotics so that's not helping.

Would love to exercise, even bought a treadmill and set it up In my spare room but just too exhausted to even think about it right now. X

21-09-15, 12:46

My symptoms are a bit different to yours. I get outbreaks of hives when I'm run down (most of the time) also I have alopecia areata, raynauds and recurrent miscarriages all of which are autoimmune in my case. I get tired easily and have to have a regular sleeping pattern. I don't get aches and pains or have dry eyes etc thankfully.

There's a good book called the Immune System Recovery plan which I found useful. I would definitely try a little exercise, no matter how little. I find it really does help sort me out and feel more positive, so I eat better, and my hives etc go. Really hope you feel better soon!

Space xxx

21-09-15, 13:45
Thanks for sharing what works for you, Space.

Michelle, like you, I'm very achy and fatigued. I'm flaring right now and feel kind of awful. The good news for me is that I don't feel this way all the time! Stress and over exerting myself are triggers for me. I've been unpacking our new home and giving myself little downtime, so I'm not surprised to be in pain.

I was afraid of lupus as well, but my doctor said definitely not. I'd have a host of other symptoms if it was that, and after reading about it I have to agree. I feel like I do have an autoimmune something or other, but the fact is that I may never have a clear cut answer. I've been living with these symptoms for years and they haven't gotten worse, so I guess I'm ok with it.

Hope you're feeling well soon.
