View Full Version : Doctor worried; me terrified. Please help!

20-09-15, 07:00
I'm really sorry for posting so much these last few days, but I found out today my doctor is worried I might have antibiotic resistant pneumonia. Of course, this absolutely terrified me and I idiotically googled. From one article I read, there's like a 50% mortality rate! I'm really hoping this next round kills the pneumonia, but I have this horrible feeling it won't. I'm 25 and in relatively good shape (I'm overweight, but not obese). I have just quit smoking but now I'm thinking what's the point if I'm going to die? Stupid logic, I know, but there it is. What makes it worse is that I'm allergic to penicillin which means my choice of medications are narrowed. I'm petrified that this is what is going to do me in. What makes it worse is that he looked down my throat (have a sore throat and some trouble swallowing) and he immediately referred me to an ENT specialist. I know I'm young but if the pneumonia is anti-biotic resistant, it can definitely kill me right? I'm not actually experiencing too many symptoms, but I'm really scared this is the end. And, of course, part of e thinks the antibiotics aren't working because I have lung cancer, but I'm really trying to push that thought deeeeppp in the back of my head. Can anyone offer any reassurance? Thank you so much and I am truly sorry for flooding the boards!

20-09-15, 07:39
Look up alternatives to antibiotics. Due to overuse of antibiotics we are becoming resistant. Look for info on the net x

20-09-15, 07:52
Will do! Thanks!

20-09-15, 15:07

Don't worry to much, it could also be viral, and in such a case not a antibiotic in the world could make it better.
And often viral infections are self limiting.
Try and relax as much as possible, and if you are coughing a lot and forcing yourself to cough try to cut down on it.

Im having a chest infection myself here for the last 3 weeks, and yes i already made myself crazy again thinking al kinds of stuff !

Take care ;)

20-09-15, 15:11
dont worry about having lung cancer, id bet my house you dont, pneumonia is enough on your plate without worrying about that, if your doctor is scaring you then tell them you are concerned about this diagnosis, just say what you feel..please try and rest as much as possible..take care of yourself and heal up