View Full Version : no period again this month

14-09-15, 12:59
Hi I havnt been on this forum for a while been coping ok but last may I missed a period completely which got me really worried my doc said probably stress and it wud come the next month well it did and ny periods have been fine for June July and August but uve mussed September again ? I've bee worried about ovarian cancer for a while and cant stop thinking I have it I had an ultrasound in march which was all normal but wasn't an internel which I heard are more accurate I cant stop thinking the worst and have to wait a whole 3 weeks now to see if I come on again has anyone else skipped periods for no reason and been ok xx

---------- Post added at 11:04 ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 ----------

No one missed a period that's reassuring lol ��

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 ----------

Oh dear it must be bad news then

14-09-15, 14:07
Look back at your old threads Beckie

14-09-15, 14:13
I have but its happened again when its never happened even one before

14-09-15, 14:19
Hi I havnt been on this forum for a while been coping ok but last may I missed a period completely which got me really worried my doc said probably stress and it wud come the next month well it did

Yes it has happened before, you just told us it did and you have had other threads saying so too.

So the Drs say it was stress before...... so maybe you are under stress now, maybe you are worried about things????

yep I am probably being harsh, BUT I think you need to hearr it.

14-09-15, 14:20
dropping by to give you a hug.

hope that's okay:)

14-09-15, 14:22
you need to sort out your anxiety and get help for that, then you will be under less stress and I am pretty sure your periods to go back to 'normal'

although is it normal to miss periods??? yes definitely

14-09-15, 14:33
Thankyou Emily
When I sed it never happened once before I meant I used to be regular and never missed one now I've missed one 4 months ago and one this month so that's not normal is it

14-09-15, 14:38
Yes you are missing them because you are under stress as the doctor says. So yes it is normal for you at the minute because you are under so much stress worrying about them and ovarian cancer.

it is a vicious circle...... the more you worry, the more periods you will miss and the more periods you miss the more you will worry.

14-09-15, 17:36
I've had anxiety and stress for bout 6 years and never missed a period ever untill now so don't no how suddenly stress is causing this.if it was stress I wud if thought I wud of missed alot more before now to be honest but thankyou for your advice

---------- Post added at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 14:40 ----------

Its just hard to believe out of 87 people noone has missed a period before

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ----------

Just dropped a sample yp docs and got a bloody uti as well now got anti bioutics so hope they don't effect my next period if it comrs��

14-09-15, 17:41
What does your therapist think about your fears?

Positive thoughts

14-09-15, 17:46
I'm seeing her wed but she isn't a docter is she

14-09-15, 18:06
No she's not a doctor but she can help you to reduce your stress levels and this could be the solution to getting regular periods.

14-09-15, 18:26
I've been having regular. Periods all the way thro my anxiety which has been bout 6 years. And never missed one untill may this year so I don't see how suddenly stress can play apart in this

14-09-15, 18:55
Hey yes it is normal to miss periods when under stress .
You have had some investigation into this and all is normal .
I think the fact you have been worried about this for a whole it would be wise to talk over your fears with someone .

I periods have always been effected by stress and I had 5 Sisters we have all missed periods on and off and much of that was stress .
Talk to someone Hun about this fear the more you worry the worse it will get .

14-09-15, 18:55
Have you seen a doctor about it? If you have and they aren't worried neither should you

14-09-15, 19:02
I always has regular periods until my brother died suddenly and mine just stopped and I didn't have another one for weeks and it went on and off like that .
The pause for thought here is I too have always has a level of Anxiety all my life pretty much .

Sam100322 is right if the Drs are happy and your up to date with all your smears then you shouldnt be worried .

Some great advice on here Hun take it and get some help for your fears .
No a therapist isn't a Dr but maybe just maybe its not the Dr you need .

14-09-15, 22:05
Thankyou for your comments I just guess that I've suffered with anxiety for so long and this hasn't happened before and now its happened twice in 5 months�� I have been to docs the first time it happened had a pelivic ultrasound and all was normal .
The next three periods were normal and now I've missed one again .
I'm due to go docs next Monday but worried that I want an internal ultrasound now as I no there more accurate.
I also dropped a sample up docs today and I have a high level of white blood cells due to an infection she sed :( its just all getting me down the missed periods r not normal for ne at all x

15-09-15, 07:58

15-09-15, 08:20
Becky honey, we have all missed periods at times in our lives and it isnt anything sinister. Our bodies are not machines and it is our anxiety that over analysis's things and looks for answers.

Go over this with your therapist and hopefully she will be able to help you see things more rationally.

Please just accept that these things happen.

15-09-15, 09:32
Thankyou elen for your comments its just wen I've never missed one in the whole 14 years of taking it now suddenly I've missed two this year its worrying x

15-09-15, 16:13
Cant stop crying

---------- Post added at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

Also dropped a sample in docs as needed a wee all time and got white blood cells in thrre so being treated for infection but I no white cells cud mean tumours so that's me basically thinking I've got it ��

Dornish Red
15-09-15, 16:29
Please don't worry so much about this.
I think every woman has experienced missed periods at some point in her life. I had very regular periods for years, and than suddenly one year, two of my periods were weeks late...And it was nothing. My cycles are usually 31-32 days and last year all of the sudden they changed to 25-26 days and my periods were kind of different so I was scared but it was just hormones messing with my cycles. Please try to relax, when you have an infection your white cells will be elevated, just try to calm down, if you are stressed you will mess your cycle even more.

15-09-15, 18:31
I no this is the problem tho I'm worried that me worrying is guns make my period not come this month �� but I cant stop worrying its horrible

15-09-15, 18:45
Well... since sinister physical reasons have been ruled out (you just had a positive follow up and many other tests affirming this) then working on the mental aspects would certainly be the way to go. I would bring this up with your therapist tomorrow. Your catastrophic thinking has you caught up in a spiral and it's a mental and physical "Catch 22". Working with your therapist in finding ways to change the way you're thinking will go a long way in helping you recover.

Positive thoughts

15-09-15, 19:21
Hi Beckie,
I know how stressful and upsetting it is when your body is seemingly not working properly. But sometimes there just is no reason. I messed up my periods because of an eating disorder and I was so scared that I was causing myself damage. After 10 years of on time periods, all of a sudden they went out the window being early and late and missed and not how they should be. So I understand your anxiety over something that seems scary, especially when it isn't common for you.

You can't change what your body does, so just let it do its thing and eventually it will sort itself out. I've had every period problem going and I'm still functioning fine!

15-09-15, 20:07
Thanks Kim
What do u mean physical symptoms have been ruled out?

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15-09-15, 21:27
Thanks Kim
What do u mean physical symptoms have been ruled out?

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What I mean is that you've been examined and tested several times and other than a UTI, there's nothing sinister that warrants further testing.

Came back normal ... My weeing seems to have calmed down

had an ultrasound march which was normal

Said everything looked the same its still there but looked bit smaller so that was positive

So, that being the case, learning to control the negative thinking and irrational fears is the right thing to do. Along with your one on one therapy, the CBT course you were supposed to download can prove to be very helpful. It takes work but the payoff is immeasurable.

Positive thoughts

15-09-15, 21:52
And the missed periods?

---------- Post added at 21:52 ---------- Previous post was at 21:51 ----------

I am doing the therepy as well but finding it hard

---------- Post added at 21:52 ---------- Previous post was at 21:52 ----------

I cant make these symptoms up

15-09-15, 22:21
With all due respect. You don't have some sinister illness or cancer. You just don't. Cancer does not come and go nor does it stop once it starts. I had it. I know! You have anxiety and a pretty severe case IMO. Your body is under a ton of stress due to you worrying all the time. It messes with your physiology big time. As everyone is saying, missing a cycle happens and it's not that unusual. My wife doesn't suffer with anxiety and it happens to her now and again.

So... you can continue to post and hear the same things over and over and get mad when people tell you you're being irrational OR you can continue to work on treating the illness you do have. Yes, treating anxiety is hard but it's a hell of a lot easier than undergoing cancer treatment I assure you!

So it's your choice.... the answers here aren't going to change. No one is going to affirm your fears because they're irrational. What's it going to be?

Positive thoughts

15-09-15, 22:40
I don't think I'm having a go at anyone am i

15-09-15, 23:17
I don't think I'm having a go at anyone am i

No, but you get snarky (you have been with me) and delete your threads when people are being straight up with you and it's not what you want to hear. The repeated threads about the same thing and the constant bumping can be and is frustrating because it appears you're just not hearing or listening to what people are saying.

I'm telling you straight up. You originally posted about this a year ago April. If indeed you had something sinister going on, your doctors would have found out by now and/or you would be seriously ill or no longer with us. I know you have physical symptoms. No one is doubting that but the fact is, anxiety causes real physical symptoms. Digestive issues are one of the most common. It messes with your body. Other women are telling you straight up they experience it too.

I'm happy to see you're going to therapy. Truly, it's the best thing you can do for yourself. It takes time to get better and it takes time for your body to calm down after such prolonged period of severe anxiety.

One step at a time. You'll get there.

Positive thoughts

blue moon
16-09-15, 00:40
I don't think I'm having a go at anyone am i

No you are not Beckie:hugs:

16-09-15, 07:34
I understand what your saying but the missed periods are a new symptom for me

16-09-15, 18:12
As you can see by the responses, stomach problems, uti's and monthly cycles can be and are affected by anxiety. The longer you're anxious the more stress you put on your body and the more symptoms can and do develop.

How did your therapy session go today? I'm curious as to what your therapist had to say. What CBT technique(s) would you apply to help you better cope when you start feeling anxious?

Positive thoughts

16-09-15, 18:16
Becky neither the missed periods or the UTI are the real problem, the problem is your reaction to them.

Did you discuss this with your therapist?

16-09-15, 20:04
Yes I did I'm seeing her once a week now

18-09-15, 07:45