View Full Version : Leg issues... Blood clot?????

06-09-15, 01:24
Yup I'm back again and now it's my right leg. It's been hurting past few days. Hurts right on the inside of my thigh above my knee. Then it goes around my knee and down my calf. The pain only spreads sometimes tho. It always hurts on the inside of my thing above my knee. Only lasts for a moment but goes away. My leg feels swollen but it looks like the other one. When it hurts in my calf its like s shock. I'm so scared I have a clot in my leg. It's not swollen or red. It's not a horrible horrible pain. I can tolerate it. I'm just so scared! Please help. If it helps I'm 29, 100 lbs.

---------- Post added 06-09-15 at 00:24 ---------- Previous post was 05-09-15 at 22:58 ----------

Could it be sciatica? It doesn't hurt o my leg but it hurts down the back/inside of my thigh down my calf into my foot. By the worst part is by my thigh. I'm still worried about a blood clot tho ��

06-09-15, 22:39
It doesnt sound like a blood clot to me. It sounds like it could be related to lower back pain but if it continues maybe see your gp as he may refer you for physio.

06-09-15, 23:07
The location of the pain depends on where your sciatic nerve is being pinched and certainly with what you describe, it could well be sciatica. Pop to your GP and he/she will be able to advise on pain meds and refer you to physio if necessary. Keeping active rather than rest helps and I find swimming (or even just stretching in the pool) helps enormously.

Sciatica is really common and most cases go away on their own within a few weeks but having suffered this myself, I do sympathise. It can be terribly painful indeed xx