View Full Version : I'm absolutely petrified that I may have Boerhaave syndrome and it is fatal in most.

05-09-15, 08:42
Please help me, please.


05-09-15, 08:47
Why do you think that?

05-09-15, 08:50
Because of my 4 year history of dry heaving/retching and my history of heavy drinking.
I've calmed down a bit now as I suppose I would be dead by now if I had this? And my Barium swallow and bloodwork is all normal. :hugs:

05-09-15, 09:04
Any news on the therapy for anxiety?

05-09-15, 09:16
Any news on the therapy for anxiety?

Not yet Pulisa. I have never felt so horrific and absolutely ghastly.

05-09-15, 09:24
Calum I've just had a quick read of the link and it says something along the lines of "even with early surgical intervention (within 24hrs).....blah blah"; so surely this is an acute disease/syndrome/whatever it is and not chronic? So your 4years of having this surely means it is not Booerhaave syndrome?

05-09-15, 10:00
Calum I've just had a quick read of the link and it says something along the lines of "even with early surgical intervention (within 24hrs).....blah blah"; so surely this is an acute disease/syndrome/whatever it is and not chronic? So your 4years of having this surely means it is not Booerhaave syndrome?

Yes, good point, I have calmed down now but I noticed retching/alcohol/mortality/fatal all in one article and I started freaking out big time.:hugs:

05-09-15, 12:10
I feel the retching is linked to anxiety as it is very common. I tend to run to the loo to try and vomit when I'm worried x

05-09-15, 13:18
I feel the retching is linked to anxiety as it is very common. I tend to run to the loo to try and vomit when I'm worried x

It's such a terribly scary thing to live with. It's ghastly. I am thinking of asking for beta blockers in an attempt to calm me down and wean me off of alcohol gradually. My Mum used Propranolol in the past and apparently it slows down physical symptoms, maybe if I trialled it it may slow down my urges to retch/heave?? Who knows?

05-09-15, 13:24
Well you can only but try. If you tell your doc you want to come off alcohol there's surely other tablets that would be more suited? I do hope you manage to kick the habit. It will help your anxiety in the long run x

05-09-15, 13:35
Well you can only but try. If you tell your doc you want to come off alcohol there's surely other tablets that would be more suited? I do hope you manage to kick the habit. It will help your anxiety in the long run x

I know. I have a very bad problem with alcohol these days. Last year was OKish but this year has been horrendous. I haven't registered a single alcohol free night this year which is very worrying.

I've had my liver and kidneys checked twice and had a GGT liver test though and I have had x-rays a nothing has showed up so that's a bit more promising.

It wouldn't be so bad if I had 1-3 drinks but its when I am starting to have 5-6 that it is becoming really problematic. Its so sad because I don't even want the bloody 6th but I crave it so bad that it ends up overwhelming me. I just love the taste and the way it makes me feel in the evenings, especially when you have some good music on and good company and a nice film.

I have drank heavily in the past and always managed to quit suddenly with no adverse effects. All being well I don't see why I cannot stop suddenly again on my own. Its just a question of mind over matter and will power I suppose!

05-09-15, 13:57
Yeah I really do feel for you cos I know what it's like. You have to take it one day at a time. So, maybe tonight, try and not have a drink - but you will have to do something totally different that you don't associate with drink. And if you manage it, don't reward yourself with a drink lol. x

05-09-15, 13:59
Yeah I really do feel for you cos I know what it's like. You have to take it one day at a time. So, maybe tonight, try and not have a drink - but you will have to do something totally different that you don't associate with drink. And if you manage it, don't reward yourself with a drink lol. x

I have done it in the past. I just need something to click into place and then maybe I can get into a long period of abstinence which would be lovely. I miss not dreaming properly and waking up craving coca cola and sugary drinks. Its bloody awful!!! I will conquer this!!! :yesyes:

05-09-15, 14:41
That's what you are craving when you want a drink - the sugar. Go and buy some lucozade and fill up on that tonight instead. You won't regret it in the long run x

05-09-15, 15:21

With respect... One of the more difficult aspects of mental illness are the self destructive habits and behaviors that hold one back from healing. I see a lot of that on the boards and even the boards themselves as a hindrance to some. I've watched as you post and ask for help and advice the last two years. Many, including myself have had compassion, taken the time and offered help and sound advice in an attempt to point you in the right direction. In reality, some, while they say they want help, are actually content in their illness. What I've observed is that it's almost like an abusive co-dependent relationship. You know the behaviors are bad for you but it's all you know and you don't have the strength or real desire to break free. Unfortunately the truth is you can only help yourself by listening and taking action when you're ready.

Good luck and positive thoughts

06-09-15, 05:21

This pattern of searching for potential illnesses is the reason I keep saying I think you should get a more skilled diagnosis because it looks more like a Somataform Disorder than OCD. Without knowing a lot more about what you are doing and why, which doesn't seem to be in the threads as information is limited about the wretching, it's difficult to say because nobody knows what your GP has heard.

I think you need access to a multskilled team to reduce & withdraw the alcohol but also deal with your anxiety, of which you have more than OCD (if it is that) because you have mentioned scenarios outside of this wretching.

There are meds they can give you to handle alcohol withdrawal and some are Benzo's which means you won't have to deal with additional anxiety symptoms from meds such as SSRI's at the moment although after that they may well recommend you start some BUT you may be in a better & stronger place by then.

An observation I have made of you is that sometimes you are catastrophizing about a serious physical illness and sometimes you are accepting it's anxiety. I don't know whether you can see that? I could post you at least 2 threads where you have been stating it's not a physical issue but anxiety. So, I think if your doctors have done all the physical tests they need to, they should refer you off to a psychologist/psychiatrist to make a diagnosis. Then they can provide correct treatment options.

The rest has got to come from you but you won't be alone because you will have medical professionals, possible medication and all of us lot on here.