View Full Version : Scared I have lung cancer

01-08-15, 20:44
I am 16 and have never smoked but I do have asthma. 3 nights ago I got wheezy and felt like I couldn't breathe properly. I thought it was just my asthma and it went away after about an hour. However, ever since I have been scared I have lung cancer. I have been getting chest and pains and pains in my arms/shoulders too. I'm finding it hard to breathe and keep feeling like I need to cough something up but can't. For the past 2 mornings I have also woken up wheezy and can't breathe properly until I sit up. How likely is it to get lung cancer at 16? The last time I felt like I couldn't breathe was in January but it wasn't this bad. Can anyone please help me? I'm really scared.

01-08-15, 21:45
U don't have lung cancdf it would be like so so so rare, like u walking along the road and finding a bag with 5k in it, that's how rare it aoudad be it's more than likely down to your asthma or allergies nothing else not worry ur 16 not 60 lol

01-08-15, 21:48
aCallum, you are 16 and have never smoked! I know you are scared but the chances of you having lung cancer are probably about the same as winning the lottery.

Can you speak to you mum or dad about your fears I am sure they will reassure you and take you to your GP to check out the wheezing which is probably your asthma playing up.


02-08-15, 02:05
Speak to your GP Calum. They will see you on your own if you prefer it that way as parents are not needed unless a GP believes a child would not be able to make a decision or take responsibility for treatment.

It could be that your asthma needs more control whether by increasing your dosage, number of times used or type of preventer.

Use your reliever if you experience it as it may help you.