View Full Version : Twitching / General Muscle Discomfort

21-07-15, 09:50
Hello everyone,

First off, I feel like I am on the "up swing" of all of this. Mostly because I have more or less accepted that my physical symptoms are caused by a month of pretty high anxiety. I have always been an even keeled, calm person. I have always spent a lot of time "in my own head." In other words, I think a lot more than I talk. And I have plenty to think about, a sick father, school issues, recently divorced parents, ontop of general 22 year old stress. However, I have always been able to deal with these issues, or possibly suppressed them in the back of my mind. It is impossible to say exactly how stressed I was at the start of my hypochondria a month ago, because I suppressed any and all external stress.

So on to what has gone on the last 4 weeks. Initiall it was minor back tension and something in the back of my throat, probably a tonsil flare up. The first few days I didn't worry, but all of a sudden I started googling sudden back pain, and shortly after I decided I must have lymphoma that spread to my spine. I realized this was pretty unrealistic after a few days. I used an online doctor to settle me down until I went in to get a physical. But the physical was about 10 days later, so I went in and out of high anxiety times. One night I had another self diagnosis of HPV that caused a throat or back of the tongue tumor. My aunt got my DR appointment pushed up to the next day. He pretty much much, point blank, said I was fine. He would see me in two weeks, and in the SMALL CHANCE something was wrong those two weeks would be insignificant. After leaving him that day, I felt GREAT. And I felt pretty fine the next two days. However, late that second day I felt some twitching and immediatly googled ALS and sure enough they had twitching as a symptom. I realized the next day how silly this was, because ALS is sort of like winning the lottery (in a bad way) for a 22 year old. This didn't matter that same night, I felt such high anxiety that night I never slept and the left side of my body was very uncomfortable. I didn't have any appetite the next day, and after I finally ate some soup I threw up trying to swallow 3 ibuprofen. That was 3 days ago, and each day since I have felt better and better, and have pretty much accepted that I am doing this to myself by worrying. Of course this could end up being something serious, but my Dr wasn't worried and I dont think it could be a coincidence that I have had such high anxiety that can cause these things AND I have a very rare disease for a 22 year old.

Thats a pretty long story I gave you all to read. Thanks to all who do! I have looked threw some forum posts and will continue to, to find cases similar to mine (I know lymph nodes worry EVERYONE, including people without anxiety issues.) The loss of appetite was OBVIOUSLY due to anxiety and lack of sleep, but how about the twitching? It seems so weird that something mental can cause something like twitching. And it happens in large quantities. I can just be laying down, and in the matter of 5 minutes, I twitch 5-10 times. Keep in mind im talking about the type of twitching that happens within a random square inch of my body, not so much movement of fingers/limbs. Is this a pretty common thing for people without a history of physical manifestations of anxiety, but have had high levels of it over the last month?

Thanks for your time!

21-07-15, 10:32
U know what you need to do? STAY OFF GOOOGLEEEEEEEEEEE:yesyes:

21-07-15, 15:56
Do I ever know how you feel! I'm going through the exact same worry right now, except I'm 30. My left shoulder started twitching 3 weeks ago and I googled it. Same thing came up, I've been living in a dark fog ever since. It's consuming my everyday life. I get random twitches all over but not like the one in my shoulder. It looks like a heart beat under my skin. Sometimes I feel it, other times just see it. I can sometimes induce it when I place my hand on my hip. I have a Dr. appointment on Friday with my regular Dr and saying I'm nervous is an understatement. :(

22-07-15, 04:46
Did your twitching start before or after anxiety?

22-07-15, 12:37
I've always had health anxiety (well not always but the last 6-8 years I'd say) but before this shoulder twitch started it was not up and I was doing pretty well actually. The shoulder twitch started one morning when I woke up and I googled and BAM health anxiety on the rise again! The last 3 weeks have been really bad, I've been crying a lot, depressed, scared out of my mind, etc. Its terrible! :(

22-07-15, 12:50
ive had muscle twitching since i first started suffering with anxiety ,it was so bad you could see my muscles twitching under my clothes,after two years of ignoring it it has almost gone
Its another anxiety symptom that isnt harmful and will fade if ignored