View Full Version : Citalopram long term 2 years help???

18-07-15, 19:40
Hi there, not sure if anyone can help, really hope so!
I've been on cit 20mg 2 years and for the most part been really well. For the last couple of weeks out of nowhere I have been experiencing what feels like side effects as if I have just started or increased my dose, neither of which I have!!
I have tingling in my hands feeling anxious and depressed. Anyone experienced this or similar ?? I have no idea what is going on
Thank you, Jo

18-07-15, 22:43
Hi Jo.

I have been Cit 40mg for about the same amount of time not had any of those effects except when i have been anxious in myself or worrying about things,i would doubt it was the Cit making you feel like you are personally,as you are well used to it but i am no medic.

But to be on the safe side i would ask your GP to run a general health check as it could well be related to something else.

If you need to chat i am more then happy to.

Otherwise take care and feel better soon.


18-07-15, 22:58
Thank you so much for replying. I agree that the cit should definitely not be affecting me in this way after such a long time as it's worked wonders for nearly 2 years! I quit smoking 10 months ago and started again 2 weeks ago, it was 2 days after that I started to feel these sensations, do you think that is just a coincidence? I have since stopped again to rule that out too! ?

18-07-15, 23:39

Yes if anything the smoking i would have thought might be affecting things as your body would not have been used to the nicotine for a while and smoking is known to affect circulation in some cases which is what the tingling might be.

If you can stay of the smoking and the symptoms go then you have your answer.


01-08-15, 22:36
Just thought I'd update as when Im having a wobble and reading through old posts it's nice to know the outcome!
Anyway I started to feel better after a few days-week after and am back on top form! After doing a rather lot of googling/research I am convinced taking up smoking had a massive effect on the citalopram! The way I understand it is the chemicals in smoke can have an effect on the way up your body metabolises some antidepressant /antipsychotic drugs! Not saying this happens to everyone but I am VERY sensitive to medication and change. Anyway just thought I'd post for anyone else who is perhaps having a blip (whatever the reason) you will come out of the other side, it's easy to think this is it forever but keep telling yourself it's a temporary blip,hang in there and you will be fine! Xxxx

10-08-15, 18:48
Ok ! Unfortunately back again �� I'm am soo confused please help if anyone can ??
Symptoms went and I started feeling so much better for a couple of weeks was back to normal and then exactly the same thing has happened, first day tingling in head and gradually depression setting in getting worse and worse? I have been on these 2 years and been fine so am panicked as to why 2 occasions feel like crap in the last month? I put it down to smoking but now think it was not as I haven't touched a cigarette and feel awful!