View Full Version : Fast heart rate

11-07-15, 18:20
Hi was wondering if anyone has experienced the same or could give me any advice, recently when jogging my heart rate has been going up to 180 Bpm on a light jog and after about 10 mins I can hardly breath and feel dizzy, running is someone I really used to enjoy and get stress relief from but now it's just the oppisite makes my anxious, Iv had a stress test and Echo done in last month and was clear but I just don't know what is happening to my body when I exercise It feels like I'm gonna collapse every time

17-07-15, 17:20
at the peak of my exercise when i sprint my heart goes
up to 215 bpm which is also my max heart rate.

19-07-15, 07:38
Would hate to think what mine would get up to doing sprints, the cardiologist stopped my stress test early cause my heart rate got so high but just said it was cause I'd lost my fitness with not running as often

19-07-15, 09:41
Surely age and level of fitness must come into play. I am one of those people who has never enjoyed jogging or running but congratulate those that do, especially through the polluted streets of London.

My eldest did the London marathon 2 years ago and trained for a year getting up at 5.a.m. every day to get to a reasonable fitness. he did it in all weathers, I think he had one day off a week.Very admirable and it gave him a lot of satisfaction but said he would never do it again.

19-07-15, 10:22
Yeh I always used to be a fit guy but for some reason now can hardly run I think the fact that I'm anxious with raised heart rate doesn't help, fair play to your son a lot of hard work and dedication that takes, I was supposed to be doing the Loch Ness one in ten weeks but had to pull out I'm determined to do one next year tho.

19-07-15, 10:36
Yeh I always used to be a fit guy but for some reason now can hardly run I think the fact that I'm anxious with raised heart rate doesn't help, fair play to your son a lot of hard work and dedication that takes, I was supposed to be doing the Loch Ness one in ten weeks but had to pull out I'm determined to do one next year tho.

He is autistic but doesn't visibly show anxiety or stress though I know he lives in a way that his condition allows.

09-08-15, 18:30
listen, i had all heart exams and everything came back normal ecg,holter,stresstest,echo.
i want to say to you that some people have fast hearts, the cardiologyst said to me
that my heart its little bit faster than the average, but thats not an issue.
also after jogging for like 10 minutes i also go 180-190.

i read once that olympic rowers of the national team of USA, have max heart rates
ranging from 160 to 220. so the max heart rate doesnt imply anything.

also once when i had a panic attack my heart rate went up to 200 beats per minute.
the doctor said it was due to addrenaline realise and its normal