View Full Version : Pink mole

01-07-15, 14:31
Can someone talk me down please?

Was looking at my back in the mirror and noticed a pink mole, quite big about 4-5mm.

DH says it has been there for as long as he can remember and hasn't changed. This is the first time I have seen it so I am scared. I can't see it very well but the edges look normal I think.

I have a routine GP appointment in a weeks time so will ask then but it is a long time to worry for. Pink ones aren't usually the dangers types of skin cancer, right? It isn't crusty, itchy or bleeding.

01-07-15, 15:56
If the mole is pink (and a consistent colour all over), symmetrical and has been there for a while with no change, I don't believe there is anything to worry about at all. Certainly not any more urgently than your existing Doctors appt next week, where you could mention it if it is still playing on your mind.

Barely any of the "dangerous" mole types are pink/flesh coloured so the risk is very low in my view and these are usually either completely harmless moles - or sometimes something called Dermatofibroma. Dermafibroma are common and often pinky and frequently get mistaken for moles but they are just small harmless non-cancerous growths that some people get. You can tell when something is a dermatofibroma by pinching the area gently.... if it "dimples" (indicating the the mole itself is tethered to the underlying tissue) then it's dermatofibroma and perfectly harmless also.

01-07-15, 19:27
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it.

I will mention it at my next appointment and try to keep calm in the mean time.

02-07-15, 03:20
Just a question. Doesn't your doctor remove them and send them in. They do that here, freeze, cut and ship.

02-07-15, 12:16
Only if they think it is potentially dangerous.

I had one froze off as it worried me but because he said it was normal he didn't send it away. I had to bug them to freeze it off and the only gave in because I think they were sick of seeing me in the surgery worrying about it.

03-07-15, 03:33
Hmm. I've had all mine off.

03-07-15, 06:01
Try to relax I had a big black nasty one on my groin. Horrible place to have one lol. Had it for 10 years then one day freaked out about it. It had irregular border looked like a nasty blue green and black ink blob. I went to a dermatologist they scraped it and sent it off. I waited a week for the results during that week I lost 15 pounds and had every symptom of the M word. The nurse called me and told me it was precancerous and all I heard was cancerous to I started to shxx myself lol. Long story short it was cancer amd since the borders were irregular they called it precancerous. I had it removed and all is well. I googled symptoms pictures of the M word and skin C word and convinced myself they all looked like my mole and I had all the symptoms and I didnt it was all in my head because I suffer from severe health anxiety. "2+2=4 , but what if they are wrong....:shrug: " <--- this is me, but apply it to medical tests and doctors advice. Sorry to be so long but you calmed me down a while ago and ive been through what youre dealing with and took weeks away feom my life worrying. Weeks that ill never get back. Schedule a dermatologist appt. Just to ease your mind.:yesyes:

03-07-15, 16:16
I had a blood blister like mole on my left butt cheek. The doctor was even concerned. It looked exactly like pics I had seen of nodular melanoma. I lost my mind, as they is the deadliest kind. I had gone so far as to look up experimental treatments, wonder what metastasis I had, and pretty much plan my end of days.

Two days later, even to the doctor's surprise, it came back benign. It did make me aware of sunblock again and a bit phobic of the sun if I am honest, and definitely more paranoid of my moles (sadly I have a lot of them, thanks to my moms Scottish blood). But it also taught me a lesson that our bodies do weird stuff, and the vast majority of it is harmless. This experience, oddly, has helped my hypochondria for the most part.

Also, pink moles are super common, and 5mm is nothing. Most nodular melanomas are 1 cm plus, twice the size of the one you have. I have a few like you described.