View Full Version : Blood in stools feeling worried

29-06-15, 17:41
Over the last few weeks I seem to have been having looser bowel movements but no other symptoms. Then this past week I have been feeling really tired. Yesterday when I went to the toilet I had blood in my stools and now I am so worried. I went to GP this morning and she felt my stomach and did a rectal exam . She said she couldn't feel anything but wants me to get blood tests and do a stool sample. I told her I was really anxious about bowel cancer but she said I wasn't in a high risk group so we needed to do these tests first. Although I was initially pleased that she didn't refer me straight away for a camera test now I'm kind of wishing she had so I could know. My anxiety is awful and I don't feel like eating. I'm scared to go to the toilet to see more blood. I'm a 49 year old woman, I'm not overweight and no family history of bc, I eat well, don't smoke and do excercise but I'm just so worried, dont know what else it could be. Anyone had a similar experience?

29-06-15, 18:49

Blood in stool is quite common, i know it can be alarming if you've never had it or noticed before. It is something that should be checked of course but there are many(non serious) causes. It could be an internal fissure/hemorrhoid, is the blood dark or bright red?

As you're very anxious about it then you may lose your appetite a bit, you've seen your GP and they will do tests if they thought anything you said was alarming they would be pursuing that. I know it's difficult but try to let go of these thoughts, even if for a little while and have faith in the doctor, from what you read you have a healthy diet and lifestyle i am sure you will be just fine :)

29-06-15, 19:13
Thank you Sam. My health anxiety has been under control for a few years now with antidepressants and putting all my CBT into practice but this bowel issue seems to have crept up on me and I have been on Google and feeling extremely anxious. Will try to heed your kind words and keep busy.