View Full Version : General muscle fatigue

01-05-15, 13:42
Hey fellow worriers,

lately my muscles have been feeling weirdly tired. I have been walking about an hour and a half each day which I guess is more than what I would typically walk when I was in university. BUT I used to be able to run and not feel this same burning. At the end of the day my muscles start burning particularly in my calfs, but sometimes if I am on the computer my arm muscles also start to burn. What is going on?

Am I just paying too much attention to my body? Does anyone else have this? I also experience constant twitching - not sure if this is related!

01-05-15, 15:14
Hi Lilly,

Tension causes this :) I was having it really badly in my legs especially when I was on my daily walks. I was getting a cramping and burning that I could feel in my muscles. My physio noticed that my legs were really tight and gave me some stretches- it went away pretty quickly with those.

So, since you're probably in a heightened state of anxiety at the moment, you're probably more tense than you normally would be and, therefore, you're more tense all over. If you're more tense, you'll tire more easily.

Try to keep getting enough sleep, walking etc and do some stretching every morning. Hopefully it'll help quickly enough and you'll feel a little better.

Best :hugs:

01-05-15, 15:24
Thanks Emily! :)

I will try to accept this reason as oppose to jumping to other scary conclusions.
I have my neuro appointment in exactly a week so my HA is at its height right now...

Thanks for your support I hope I can return with good news


01-05-15, 15:29
Hey Lilly,

Ah yes, the neuro appt has finally arrived! Why not put off the worrying until then? I'm a good procrastinator, so if I have an upcoming doctor's appt (for instance) I think "well, I can't change anything about it until then so I'll let them sort it out". So if this works for you definitely try it out- it might give you some temporary respite until you see the neuro and you can try and enjoy yourself this week.

I hope it goes well for you :)