View Full Version : Need some really good advice on how to help myself

29-04-15, 11:13
Another miserable night.. Haven't slept and now the suns coming up. I feel like I'm running in circles with panic/anxiety/depression/suicide/hypochondria.. Nothing is working. I feel so selfish because this anxiety and constant worry and panic 24/7 has turned me into such a self-absorbed/self-obsessive prick since I had my first panic attack. My doctor bills are ridiculous that I don't know how to pay them but I know that I have an anxiety problem but I keep searching for a medical cause of it. And now I'm thinking I have some going on with my adrenal glands like a tumor or something because I read that could cause burst of panic but even when I know it's just anxiety and panic that makes thinks more complicating to me because it's something me and only me can do something about. Which is terrifying because I don't have any independence skills.. I haven't worked because my anxiety is so bad. These things tend to always turn into rants when I write them.. But I'm at a loss. Like, I'm in this constant struggle to get better. I'm always in this struggle with eating healthy.. Trying to do what I can to be as good looking as possible because I'm extremely self-conscious. I just have this constant stress and pressure over my head to better myself and turn into something better than what I am. Anyway basically I'm tired of people saying that they have done things to get better but don't really tell me the things that really helped them so if someone could really give me advice on what could help that would be great. I don't have money to do a lit if things but I just want to know how to help myself because I don't want to be a suicide victim because I'm sick of thinking any minute I'm going to start having haulicinations or go mad.. I'm 22 and I'm afraid my life is just a waste

29-04-15, 12:00
Sorry to hear you're struggling so much. Sounds a bit like me @ 25 just didn't know what was going on sadly. Breathing exercises are very good. Try 6 breaths per minute in through your nose out through you mouth. I did this every hour at first as I found it hard. Some great books too. Claire Weekes is my fave. Aways next to my bed, also re PA it's not places its you. Didn't stop me not going out for ages sadly. But once I learnt that it helped me again. You will recover I've had 3 very bad times the 2nd I had to leave my job due to it. But I'm getting there again.

29-04-15, 23:38
STOP STUGGLING! you won't get better by fighting. The natural urge to fight is the cause of the anxiety condition. Trust me I know. Just try one day of not fighting and see what happens.

30-04-15, 13:36
My anxiety is really bad at the moment as well. I have just started stress control classes. Their mantra is : feel the fear, be more active and watch what you drink. The first one is about still doing all the things you normally do even though it is very hard. The second is about doing half an hour of moderate exercise a day (walking or whatever) and the third is cutting down on caffeine, alcohol and eating healthily. They also promote relaxation cds. I shall see how it goes. Hope this helps. They do say that we will never be without stress but can learn to control it.

30-04-15, 22:46
My anxiety is really bad at the moment as well. I have just started stress control classes. Their mantra is : feel the fear, be more active and watch what you drink. The first one is about still doing all the things you normally do even though it is very hard. The second is about doing half an hour of moderate exercise a day (walking or whatever) and the third is cutting down on caffeine, alcohol and eating healthily. They also promote relaxation cds. I shall see how it goes. Hope this helps. They do say that we will never be without stress but can learn to control it.

You can't control it. These things might help, but if you are doing these things to CONTROL your anxiety, you are going to be disappointed I'm afraid. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but its true. The fact is, you have very little control over your anxiety. When you understand this and accept it, you are on the road to recovery.

30-04-15, 23:04
Sorry to hear you feel this way, I was feeling like this few months ago, it got so bad for me that I had to take some medication after a lot of hesitation, as I was getting just worse I surrendered, and I am glad I did. It stabilised my thinking, and that horrible fear so I could start working on myself, I then started a therapy based on CBT, and I feel much better now. There is no quick remedy I am afraid. But it absolutely possible to heal yourself with some work, and even without medication.

This will give you some info :

01-05-15, 20:21
Another miserable night.. Haven't slept and now the suns coming up. I feel like I'm running in circles with panic/anxiety/depression/suicide/hypochondria.. Nothing is working. I feel so selfish because this anxiety and constant worry and panic 24/7 has turned me into such a self-absorbed/self-obsessive prick since I had my first panic attack. My doctor bills are ridiculous that I don't know how to pay them but I know that I have an anxiety problem but I keep searching for a medical cause of it. And now I'm thinking I have some going on with my adrenal glands like a tumor or something because I read that could cause burst of panic but even when I know it's just anxiety and panic that makes thinks more complicating to me because it's something me and only me can do something about. Which is terrifying because I don't have any independence skills.. I haven't worked because my anxiety is so bad. These things tend to always turn into rants when I write them.. But I'm at a loss. Like, I'm in this constant struggle to get better. I'm always in this struggle with eating healthy.. Trying to do what I can to be as good looking as possible because I'm extremely self-conscious. I just have this constant stress and pressure over my head to better myself and turn into something better than what I am. Anyway basically I'm tired of people saying that they have done things to get better but don't really tell me the things that really helped them so if someone could really give me advice on what could help that would be great. I don't have money to do a lit if things but I just want to know how to help myself because I don't want to be a suicide victim because I'm sick of thinking any minute I'm going to start having haulicinations or go mad.. I'm 22 and I'm afraid my life is just a waste


I got your PM and tried to reply, but it wouldn't work, so I'm posting here instead.

Not struggling against your situation is very hard to do indeed. Our natural instinct is to resist these feelings, to tense up against them and look for an answer. But this very instinct to fight and look for answers is the trap that is the essence of an anxiety disorder, particularly GAD. It is often referred to as the anxiety cycle, or loop.

The miracle cure you seek does not exist. This you have to accept. You have to learn to live with these feelings and not let them stop you from doing anything. And I mean anything. Expose yourself to situations that make you anxious. 9 times out of 10 there is nothing to fear.

When I say don't struggle, it can be hard to understand what I mean by that. What I mean is, literally do nothing! Easy. Behave as if you would if you didn't have an anxiety disorder. Don't sit there thinking 'oh this is awful' and 'I can't cope with this'. You need to change this thought pattern. Relax into your anxiety. Accept it. Let it wash over you and let it do its worst. It this you need to get good at if you want to be free of it. A wise man once said 'You can't beat anxiety. You have to walk away'. Never a truer word said!

I'm probably not explaining myself very well, so let me point you in the direction of some excellent reading material:-

Nothing works. The Letter, by Cymraig Chris. This is available for free on the Internet. I don't agree with the 'pretend' philosophy in this letter, but he explains the condition brilliantly well and it's a good, funny read.

These two are books:-

The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris
At Last a Life by Paul David

These books will help you understand the anxiety disorder fully. Knowledge is power after all. Once you understand it, you can implement new strategies and techniques, knowing fully why you are doing them and why they work.

Please PM me again if I can help. I've been there and know how tough it is.

Also, if you think meds will help you, then by all means give them a go. Just know that they alone will not see you to a full recovery. YOU have to change for that to happen.

Good luck!


01-05-15, 21:56
Sorry Dan, but the miracle cure does exist, I know three people on this site doing it. I did it five years ago and the panic is gone, thoughts of suicide are gone. You can live a perfectly normal life panic free, and I don't mean coping, I mean free. No panic thoughts that turn into panic attacks, the ability to do anything you want and without medication But as Juliette said it takes time. And there in is the problem. Putting in the time. As for explaining anxiety I can send you an explanation of it that is Therapist approved and accurate and pretty complete. All you really need to know and then some. It is just an outline telling you what you want to research on the internet.

01-05-15, 22:47
Sorry Dan, but the miracle cure does exist, I know three people on this site doing it. I did it five years ago and the panic is gone, thoughts of suicide are gone. You can live a perfectly normal life panic free, and I don't mean coping, I mean free. No panic thoughts that turn into panic attacks, the ability to do anything you want and without medication But as Juliette said it takes time. And there in is the problem. Putting in the time. As for explaining anxiety I can send you an explanation of it that is Therapist approved and accurate and pretty complete. All you really need to know and then some. It is just an outline telling you what you want to research on the internet.

Really? Please do tell?

I live a normal life and am panic free. It took time, yes, but it's not a miracle cure! There is no miracle cure.

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:25 ----------

Sorry Dan, but the miracle cure does exist, I know three people on this site doing it. I did it five years ago and the panic is gone, thoughts of suicide are gone. You can live a perfectly normal life panic free, and I don't mean coping, I mean free. No panic thoughts that turn into panic attacks, the ability to do anything you want and without medication But as Juliette said it takes time. And there in is the problem. Putting in the time. As for explaining anxiety I can send you an explanation of it that is Therapist approved and accurate and pretty complete. All you really need to know and then some. It is just an outline telling you what you want to research on the internet.

Sorry, but I can't get over what a ridiculous post this is. You come on here and say there is a miracle cure (which there isn't) and then don't say what it is! Or should I say, what you perceive it is.

Juliettes post is much more akin to mine than what you are saying.

Also, please do share the 'therapist approved' version of anxiety.

02-05-15, 00:06
Why the anger, I offered it, it is there for anyone who wants it. And I don't care what you say there is a cure which with a negative attitude such as yours won't work. You also probably believe there was nothing wrong with me in the first place. Well you don't spend six weeks in a psych ward for imagination. 9 out of 10 people will never get cured for the vary reason you quote, they don't believe. Information is power, a little information is a dangerous thing. I've spent a long time at this and it isn't a game with me, I know what I'm talking about. And as the link Juliette posted says, off the deep end therapy doesn't work. That seems to be what most available CBT offers, A shame because as I said there is a cure but as I also said it won't work for you because you already have your mind made up it won't. What is it's success rate, pretty good for those willing to put in the time.
Never mind why your body produces symptoms, that is chemical, Panic attacks come from cognitive restructuring to make them the appropriate action and cognitive restructuring will cure them, but it can take as little as six weeks or as long as a year. What is a year to those who have had this all their life. Never mind the supplements and the yoga or the pills, they are coping skills, not a cure. What I offered is only an explanation of anxiety and panic, I'm not offering to teach CBT as I know it I'm only offering where to find it. And It is different. It is very detailed. 25,000 words to write an outline, how many do you think it would take for me to write a program that works. A couple million probably and why, it is all on the internet, the outline only says what to look up. So if you live a panic free life why are you pissing on peoples hopes telling them they have no hope, that is very negative, they have every right to hope and every chance of a cure. Sadly you are not among them. I'm glad I don't have your attitude or I would have gave up a long time ago. And I never give up and I never give up on anyone willing to try. But you I will because you have given up. Does it bother me that you disagree, not a bit. And definitely not within the confines of what the true meaning of forum is, I made my point, you made yours, let the people it affects decide. They are the ones suffering still.

So is it a ridiculous post that people want help or a ridiculous post that I don't agree with you. Or that you perceive disagreement as ridicule and you don't like that.

You made your point, I made mine, enough of this pissing contest. Now could we just try to offer some support.

02-05-15, 00:57
Why the anger, I offered it, it is there for anyone who wants it. And I don't care what you say there is a cure which with a negative attitude such as yours won't work. You also probably believe there was nothing wrong with me in the first place. Well you don't spend six weeks in a psych ward for imagination. 9 out of 10 people will never get cured for the vary reason you quote, they don't believe. Information is power, a little information is a dangerous thing. I've spent a long time at this and it isn't a game with me, I know what I'm talking about. And as the link Juliette posted says, off the deep end therapy doesn't work. That seems to be what most available CBT offers, A shame because as I said there is a cure but as I also said it won't work for you because you already have your mind made up it won't. What is it's success rate, pretty good for those willing to put in the time.
Never mind why your body produces symptoms, that is chemical, Panic attacks come from cognitive restructuring to make them the appropriate action and cognitive restructuring will cure them, but it can take as little as six weeks or as long as a year. What is a year to those who have had this all their life. Never mind the supplements and the yoga or the pills, they are coping skills, not a cure. What I offered is only an explanation of anxiety and panic, I'm not offering to teach CBT as I know it I'm only offering where to find it. And It is different. It is very detailed. 25,000 words to write an outline, how many do you think it would take for me to write a program that works. A couple million probably and why, it is all on the internet, the outline only says what to look up. So if you live a panic free life why are you pissing on peoples hopes telling them they have no hope, that is very negative, they have every right to hope and every chance of a cure. Sadly you are not among them. I'm glad I don't have your attitude or I would have gave up a long time ago. And I never give up and I never give up on anyone willing to try. But you I will because you have given up. Does it bother me that you disagree, not a bit. And definitely not within the confines of what the true meaning of forum is, I made my point, you made yours, let the people it affects decide. They are the ones suffering still.

So is it a ridiculous post that people want help or a ridiculous post that I don't agree with you. Or that you perceive disagreement as ridicule and you don't like that.

You made your point, I made mine, enough of this pissing contest. Now could we just try to offer some support.

I am not being offensive. It's just your posts have no point to them. You write 200 words and say nothing at all!

02-05-15, 04:09
Then don't read them, the fact I don't say what you want to hear does not mean there is nothing there.

---------- Post added at 20:09 ---------- Previous post was at 20:06 ----------

I said you are negative, not offensive. Nothing offends me much so you could be and it wouldn't bother me.

02-05-15, 09:11
I just think you need to be clearer about what you perceive this 'miracle cure' to be. The word miracle implies a quick fix, but everyone on this forum knows there is no quick fix. If there was we would all be doing it. Like you say, it takes time.

Choose your words carefully. There is no miracle fix to anxiety.

02-05-15, 09:38
Six weeks is the shortest I know. That was the first person other than me to be cured. That was five years ago. Juanita calls it a miracle. Not my words, but hers. It isn't a miracle cure if it has to be instantaneous but if it works when everything else fails is there not some miracle in there somewhere. Cognitive restructuring is the key missing in other therapies. But it is only part of the cure. There are many other steps before that. And exposure therapy is not one of them.

02-05-15, 21:53
To Dan1975

Actual studies have shown that meditation can actually change the brain. The brain is malleable. It has actually been shown on fMRI within two weeks that plasticity is at work in the fMRI scans. I posted this link on another thread previously. If two weeks to relieve anxiety/panic is not a miracle, then please describe to me what is. That it just up and leaves your body/mind? That you don't have to apply yourself to help cure yourself? Let's be really realistic here.


It is also known that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works as well. I know, I did it and am panic free. There is a sticky thread to this in the forums.

I'm disappointed to read that you would advice another not to try to control their anxiety. Only the person experiencing their own anxiety, knowing how their own body responds is able to make that decision for themselves. What works for oneself may not be the best advice for another. If a coping skill has been taught to that individual and they choose to use it, that is their choice.

I was also perplexed to read that there is no cure (In your opinion). In my humble opinion, unless you have a Doctorate in Psychology, you cannot state there is no cure as some of us have successfully managed to control our levels of anxiety and panic. By stating that you are taking away the hopes of anyone reading your post. As for a cure to most things, there is always a waiting period or a removal of something. Melanoma for instant. No cure, but they can surgically remove it. Then you are left caring for the wound. Hence, you no longer have melanoma, but you had to take care of the wound. Same application as CBT, MBSR, MBCT, or any other resource applied to anxiety/panic/OCD/PTSD/etc...

We are all here on this forum for a reason. Some of us come looking for answers, some of us come for advice, others are here for help when going through a difficult time and your advice was (in my opinion) not helpful.

To Txxxrho,

I hope you are doing better today than you were last night and your day is full of positive thoughts.

03-05-15, 00:22
The brain is malleable and I put it in the thread "words" how it changes. This is cognitive restructuring. Something the majority can not seem to understand. It is very simple just time consuming. Hence my saying, and yes this is my saying, "This is the hardest simple thing you will ever do". Even if ten people try it and only one is successful it still means there is a cure. The problem is not with the practice but with the people, Those other nine need more explanation because this is NOT a just do it cure. Just because you and I can not walk on the moon doesn't mean it can't be done. (an extreme example)

Bumping this and will continue to till someone is willing to try cognitive restructuring because I know I'm right.

03-05-15, 11:11
Davit, did you try it on your own or through a practitioner?

04-05-15, 01:17
To Dan1975

Actual studies have shown that meditation can actually change the brain. The brain is malleable. It has actually been shown on fMRI within two weeks that plasticity is at work in the fMRI scans. I posted this link on another thread previously. If two weeks to relieve anxiety/panic is not a miracle, then please describe to me what is. That it just up and leaves your body/mind? That you don't have to apply yourself to help cure yourself? Let's be really realistic here.


It is also known that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works as well. I know, I did it and am panic free. There is a sticky thread to this in the forums.

I'm disappointed to read that you would advice another not to try to control their anxiety. Only the person experiencing their own anxiety, knowing how their own body responds is able to make that decision for themselves. What works for oneself may not be the best advice for another. If a coping skill has been taught to that individual and they choose to use it, that is their choice.

I was also perplexed to read that there is no cure (In your opinion). In my humble opinion, unless you have a Doctorate in Psychology, you cannot state there is no cure as some of us have successfully managed to control our levels of anxiety and panic. By stating that you are taking away the hopes of anyone reading your post. As for a cure to most things, there is always a waiting period or a removal of something. Melanoma for instant. No cure, but they can surgically remove it. Then you are left caring for the wound. Hence, you no longer have melanoma, but you had to take care of the wound. Same application as CBT, MBSR, MBCT, or any other resource applied to anxiety/panic/OCD/PTSD/etc...

We are all here on this forum for a reason. Some of us come looking for answers, some of us come for advice, others are here for help when going through a difficult time and your advice was (in my opinion) not helpful.

To Txxxrho,

I hope you are doing better today than you were last night and your day is full of positive thoughts.

Jesus, some of you are really full of it aren't you! Everyting i have said is factually correct. There is no cure for anxiety! Anxiety is a human emotion! It's a feeling that is hard-wired into us, such as love, hate etc. You can't cure basic emotions! You can't remove them from your being!

What you can do however, is learn how to respond differently to these feelings. To accept that they are part of us and that fighting them is futile and will only lead to more problems. This for me is the biggest problem that anxiety sufferers need to overcome. Once you accept that anxiety is part of us and that it can't hurt you, you can begin to move forward.

Check out the reviews of one of the books I recommend:-


04-05-15, 02:29
Anxiety and panic are normal Anxiety and panic attacks are not, these can be cured. Sad is a normal emotion, depression is not, it can be cured
Anger is normal Chronic anger is not. It is a matter of how we see things, I think we agree on that. What cognitive restructuring does is remove the reason to panic, call it what you want but not having panic attacks because there is no reason to is better than just coping with them. I have a panic disorder and always will, this is like saying I can ride a bike. Just because the potential is there does not mean I'm not cured. Recovered is the preferred word but it is the same. I don't care how people recover, I just want them to. I'm offering a resource they can find on the internet if what they are doing isn't working. But it is all explained in the thread words which I started but others are expanding and contributing to. I know what works so if being assertive about it is being full of myself then I am, I have found nothing that can compare with CBT if it includes cognitive restructuring. So if CBT is offered without it then that is not a cure, only coping.

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

I read the revues and of course and of course there is no reference to the technique, He is selling a book, why give away the punch line. I'm not selling anything so I can give away the punch line.
References to Claire Weeks is no recommendation, she is out dated. So I will go check his site.

---------- Post added at 18:29 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------

Well I have no comment that you would like.

04-05-15, 03:23

I could add more links, but won't. You can read the above and come to your own conclusion. Which I know will be there is no cure. I prefer not to debate with someone who has their own mind set at "no cure".

And you are right. I am full, but not of myself. Its a shame you missed the trial run of cognitive restructuring in real time. But then again, you believe there is no cure so this all would have been a misconception for you.

Panic would be normal if I was facing a lion in the wilderness. I'm not, I'm living a normal life in the suburbs. I'm also not worried about dealing with panic because I am 90+ percent recovered. I call that cured. You call it whatever you like.:shades:

04-05-15, 03:59
Another miserable night.. Haven't slept and now the suns coming up. I feel like I'm running in circles with panic/anxiety/depression/suicide/hypochondria.. Nothing is working. I feel so selfish because this anxiety and constant worry and panic 24/7 has turned me into such a self-absorbed/self-obsessive prick since I had my first panic attack. My doctor bills are ridiculous that I don't know how to pay them but I know that I have an anxiety problem but I keep searching for a medical cause of it. And now I'm thinking I have some going on with my adrenal glands like a tumor or something because I read that could cause burst of panic but even when I know it's just anxiety and panic that makes thinks more complicating to me because it's something me and only me can do something about. Which is terrifying because I don't have any independence skills.. I haven't worked because my anxiety is so bad. These things tend to always turn into rants when I write them.. But I'm at a loss. Like, I'm in this constant struggle to get better. I'm always in this struggle with eating healthy.. Trying to do what I can to be as good looking as possible because I'm extremely self-conscious. I just have this constant stress and pressure over my head to better myself and turn into something better than what I am. Anyway basically I'm tired of people saying that they have done things to get better but don't really tell me the things that really helped them so if someone could really give me advice on what could help that would be great. I don't have money to do a lit if things but I just want to know how to help myself because I don't want to be a suicide victim because I'm sick of thinking any minute I'm going to start having haulicinations or go mad.. I'm 22 and I'm afraid my life is just a waste
Hi Txxxrho.
I am new to this site and have not formally introduced myself here yet. I lived with acute anxiety for decades which eventually resulted in me becoming agoraphobic and later some rough years in my life that left me with some ptsd. I just came across your post and just had to tell you there is hope. I visited a site called The Panic Center a few years ago and started reading their sessions and working on their free CBT program and guess what, It Worked..I now suffer with anxiety and panic rarely...I am not cured but I learned how to manage it so it is not a major problem for me anymore. I am sure it could help you too. Please Give it a look see and read a few of the sessions. You just might be pleasantly surprised with the results.

04-05-15, 04:20

Giving you due respect :yesyes: I looked at the reviews on Paul Davids book. I also went to his website and became a bit confused.

He has several references to "no cure" but speaks of recovery. In case you have not been to his page its http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/ The very top line reads which is the heading of his page:
Anxiety No More
for a natural anxiety and panic cure.

If you are referencing/referring this book, why is there no cure? Paul Davids page boasts about cure in the heading.

There is an app you can purchase as well after purchasing his book. Yet, he references he previously paid for books and cures to no avail. If he has found the cure/recovery, he should be given it away for free not making money off of it. I myself would give away a cure for any illness or disease if I found it and freely. I would not make money off people seeking help.

Again, you have made a mute point.

To newme:

Hi, I used the CBT on that site as well and look at us now. Go you! :hugs:and great advice from you to the original poster of this thread. My whole point was we are here to offer encouragement and support.

04-05-15, 04:27
Hi newme

Welcome I came from panic centre also and found their program good but have expanded it with cognitive restructuring, see the thread words.

04-05-15, 04:57
Hey PanicicAttackGurl and Davit.. Hi to you too! Great to see you here.. Look at us go. Its great to be reaching out to others on the forum here..

04-05-15, 08:38

Giving you due respect :yesyes: I looked at the reviews on Paul Davids book. I also went to his website and became a bit confused.

He has several references to "no cure" but speaks of recovery. In case you have not been to his page its http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/ The very top line reads which is the heading of his page:
Anxiety No More
for a natural anxiety and panic cure.

If you are referencing/referring this book, why is there no cure? Paul Davids page boasts about cure in the heading.

There is an app you can purchase as well after purchasing his book. Yet, he references he previously paid for books and cures to no avail. If he has found the cure/recovery, he should be given it away for free not making money off of it. I myself would give away a cure for any illness or disease if I found it and freely. I would not make money off people seeking help.

Again, you have made a mute point.

To newme:

Hi, I used the CBT on that site as well and look at us now. Go you! :hugs:and great advice from you to the original poster of this thread. My whole point was we are here to offer encouragement and support.

This has gone way off track. Of course there are ways to get better, but there is no miracle cure to anxiety, which was my initial point to davit. We all know there are ways to get better, but by saying there are miracle cures out there is incorrect and offers false hope to people. Below is a definition of the word miracle. I don't think this applies to anything you, or anyone else in this thread has suggested.

Miracle - an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency

04-05-15, 09:49
I'm going to concede your point on the miracle point, it was a poor choice of word which strengthens my point about the use of word, some words we use out of habit without considering what they really mean. I will not however accept that there is only coping and no cure, cognitive restructuring is proven to be a cure. A way to eliminate reaction not just tolerate it as in the reaction to a trigger is anxiety or panic. Trigger stays, the anxiety and panic are no longer reactions to it. Far better than coping by accepting. This is not our thread and we are not helping so I'm dropping this.

04-05-15, 11:15

I wanna share some of my story. I used to be agoraphobic and had terrible social anxiety. And well anxiety in general. It has been a long journey but thank God I no longer have agoraphobic, my social anxiety is hardly noticeable, and the only anxiety I have left is slight tension in the tummy area.

I can relate to how you feel. Feeling like youīre stuck and thereīs no way out. Lying in bed at night thoughts going round and round and just feeling utterly depressed.

Like some others on this site, Dr Weekes was my saviour. And continues to be. However, from my experience her books and CDīs need to be read and listened to over and over. I primarily have been using a program from a former sufferer who fully recovered. You can see it here http://healing-anxiety.com/ .

First you need to understand that your body and mind are very tired. You canīt just force the anxiety away, as forcing makes you even more tired, and so the anxiety worse. Every emotion you have is recorded by your body. So frustration, anger, which are the result of fighting and seeing more improvement makes it worse.

Understand, and take heart, that how you feel, ie the symptoms you are experiencing are (unless a doctor has told you otherwise) symptoms of stress which are exagerrated because like I said youīre very tired.

These symptoms, whether physical, mental, or emotion, will never hurt you. Look back, have they ever hurt you before? Or was it how you have been dealng with them, by fighting them and being agitated against them, that was causing most of the suffering.

Im not downplaying them, theyre a pain in the ass. But after doing exercise you can be tense, sweating, have palpitations, muscles soreness yet you may even view it as enjoyable.

Slow things right down. Stop expecting anything from yourself, to feel a certain way. How you feel right now is crappy, let yourself feel crappy. You canīt force good emotions, they come when they are ready.

Accept the day for however it is. If itīs even extra crappy then let it be. Take a deep breath and focus on loosening the grip you have on yourself.

Focus on this, deep breaths and loosening up, and accepting. You may not see an immediate improvement but youll be taking pressure of yourself.

Just two words loosen and accept.

Thereīs too much about Weekesī method to write about. Best you get ALL of her books and audios and listen to them each day! Itīs more than worth it trust me!

Go easy on yourself!


04-05-15, 19:04
I'm going to concede your point on the miracle point, it was a poor choice of word which strengthens my point about the use of word, some words we use out of habit without considering what they really mean. I will not however accept that there is only coping and no cure, cognitive restructuring is proven to be a cure. A way to eliminate reaction not just tolerate it as in the reaction to a trigger is anxiety or panic. Trigger stays, the anxiety and panic are no longer reactions to it. Far better than coping by accepting. This is not our thread and we are not helping so I'm dropping this.
