View Full Version : different brand?

26-04-15, 21:15
Hi guys, I've been on 187.5mg of venlafaxine for a while now, i take 150mg of the brand effexor, capsules, and 37.5mg of the brand venlalic which is tablet form. I started a new script last Monday and instead of the venlalic tablet I was given venlablue capsules, i didn't think anything of it so just took them but ever since I've been having the most awful vivid dreams, sometimes even nightmares, these are waking me up and really unsettling me, nothing else has happened or changed to cause them only my brand of ven. I get my script off my physc and not seeing her for another 6 weeks and really can't cope with these dreams, do you think this is just a side effect of the new brand that will wear off or should I ring my Gp and see if he can do me another script of just the 37.5mg and then specifically ask the pharmacy for these? I wouldn't mind but the dreams are quite disturbing. Would appreciate any input, thanks XX

26-04-15, 21:32
Hi Nicola
I'm on the same dose of Ven as you and have been given different makes along the way,which doesn't seem to have had any effect on me but I would ring your Psychs office and ask if it could be amended,I'm sure they won't mind,and it may be that you're not the first person that's had a reaction.
Good luck

26-04-15, 21:38
Thanks hun, i think my Gp will give me a script if I ask him he's quite good like that, i know some people say it's all in our heads when we change brands but I honestly thought nothing of it and just took them it was only when I started having the nightmares I put 2 and 2 together and thought I bet it's the brand change, out of interest hun what do you usually get prescribed for 187.5mg? It's a tricky one isn't it when we need to take two tablets to make up our dose. XX

26-04-15, 21:52
I take a 150 and a 37.5 each morning.:)

26-04-15, 22:27
Of the same brand? XX

26-04-15, 22:33
Both Venlalic
I've never had any called Venlablue x

26-04-15, 22:59
Hey Nic, I wouldn't look to much into it. It maybe just a coincidence? I would go days with bad sleep and nightmares, then they would just stop?
It is probably best to keep to the same brand if it puts your mind at rest though. Xx

27-04-15, 00:37
Venlafaxine comes in three different pill forms: Immediate Release tabs, Prolonged Release tabs and Slow Release caps. I don't think there is much difference between the Slow Release and Prolonged Release (apart from brands) but I imagine the Immediate Release tabs to be like a form of prescription crack cocaine. I had mega highs and lows whilst I was briefly on them before swapping to Prolonged Release which I'm currently on.

It sounds to me like the brand you're currently on is a bit stronger than the previous one, because vivid dreams are a common Ven side effect. You will adjust to them but the problem is that if you happen to switch back to the old brand you might experience the opposite - ie, withdrawal symptoms. Best to stick to same brand even though pharmacists insist they're all the same. But then they're not the ones taking it - we are.

Hope that helps.