View Full Version : Waking up in Panic Attacks.. Again? Can anyone help?

21-04-15, 09:58
Just woke up in a panic attack... Again... This is like the 20th time this year maybe more. It's almost getting on a every other night basis. I'll nod off I suppose then 20 minutes to an hour later I wake up either in a panic or like a few seconds after I wake up. I used to get these really bad when I first suffered from panic attacks and maybe randomly here and there but this is turning out to be way to frequent of a thing.. Like, I'm always convinced I'm dying and just feel like the GREAT sense of impending doom. A few of them I just woke up and didn't even know what I was worried about because I was just so afraid and everything felt wrong but there was no thing to point it to. But the one I just had/am having I guess I slept in my side wrong because my arm was numb and I felt like I was having a heart attack of some sort and even though I was 95% it was anxiety that 5% chance kills me. But does anybody know how to help and how to stop these?

22-04-15, 00:09
I would strongly recommend having an mp3 player or tablet device loaded with positive and relaxing mp3s, or if they're connected to wifi, look for Paul McKenna and other relaxation tracks. This wont prevent you from waking up with panic attacks and at first it might not seem to help much, but you will get used to them and you can learn to work with them to relax and find more peace.

22-04-15, 00:46
Associated memory is what your mind uses for explanation when you reject an obvious answer, So if you know it is just pain from sleeping on your arm but conditioning rejects that idea the associated memory will give you other possibles, negatives always first for survival. Negative attract negatives so going to bed happy and positive will reduce the conditioning. I used pleasant soft music with no words or voices in it because people were the source of my anxiety. But some people actually like people talking. I never did.

Both coping skills of mine in top tips work to shorten panic attacks.