View Full Version : Can HA/GAD trigger early menopause?

01-04-15, 17:56
Hi all,

I'm 34. I've got HA and worry a lot about various health issues... many of them genuine.... some of them completely made up by my brain!:blush:

One things's for sure though... I'm heading towards an early menopause and I'm wondering if there's a link that anyone knows of?

I have no children and I've had considerable fertility treatment.

Moderators - please can we keep this in this forum in case there's any men who know or have come across this?

Many thanks

Space xxx

07-04-15, 21:06
Hi bunny,

Glad you've put this post up, I'm feeling the same way. I'm 39 and just had very different periods over the last 2 months. My doctor seem to think I am menopausal! I want other tests to rule out any nasties. I have a three year old.

Bit shocked by it all though. I just feel like I'm constantly about to start period. I'm over a week last now.

07-04-15, 21:44
Hi klp,

Sorry to hear you're going through this as well. I think anxiety can have an effect but not sure how. Cycle this month was 40 days... not normal... used to be bang on 30/31 days... then went to 23/24 days for a year... now long :(

07-04-15, 21:59
Has your doctor confirmed its pre menopause?? I've been 28 days day either side. And now I'm 36 days and still waiting.

08-04-15, 10:18
Hi klp, yes and no. I'm having a blood test tomorrow but I've had my AMH tested for fertility treatment and was low. Plus have had 5 losses, 2 through ivf. I've was told 2 years ago my hormones weren't great.


11-04-15, 11:43
Any news? Still no sign of period!

11-04-15, 14:07
Had day 3 bloods done a few days ago after af finally arrived on day 41!!!

Will get the results on Monday. How you getting on?