View Full Version : Scared about hepatitis E from sausages

Nighttime pacer
23-03-15, 02:22
Hi all
I know this sounds crazy but I'm worried that I may have given myself hepatitis E from sausages.
I saw a programme that said that pork and pigs can have hepatitis E in it and so it's important to cook it thoroughly. It also said that one in ten people who get hep E die!

Tonight I made a sausage stew. I browned the sausages and then added vegetables but then decided to cut up the sausages in the pot. I did that with a knife and fork. I then put the knife and fork in the sink and washed my hands. My concern is that the water could have splashed the knife and fork and some of it could have got onto my skin and I may have later touched my mouth. I know it's a slim chance but I'm still really worried.

Also, I remember after I put the sausages in I washed my hands and started chopping the veg. I know I had washed my hands a few times in between but I tasted some raw chilli to see how hot it was and I'm scared I might not have washed my hands enough after touching the sausages.

Sorry it's such a long post.

Does anyone else feel that with health anxiety it's almost a case of bracing yourself for whatever the next big worry will be?


Nighttime pacer

23-03-15, 11:43
Not even a "slim chance"...

Positive thoughts

23-03-15, 18:13
I saw something about this on the news and I read an article about it. This was based on a small survey of just 63 sausages so hardly representative of the UK's sausage industry! I also read that the vast majority of people who actually get hep e make a full recovery. Some people don't even know they had it. The only people really at risk are pregnant women or people with a compromised immune system. It said you should always cook your sausages until caramelised. You wouldn't get it from just having had contact with a sausage with your hands, you'd have to eat an undercooked sausage. I really don't think this is anything to worry about.