View Full Version : Moved out of my Mums and I'm a mess :-(

05-03-15, 18:06
At the weekend I moved out of my Mums house. I am 25 now and I previously moved out when I was 18 and returned when I was 22 due to various problems (none to do with my mental health) I also have a 9 year old son who lives with me.
The only thing is since the weekend I have been a wreck. I was so looking forward to getting my own place but I just can't stop crying and feel constantly panicky. I am so close to giving this flat up and going back to my Mums xx

05-03-15, 18:27
Aww, try and give it a little while. I cried and cried when I moved out, I was 19 with a 1 year old and it took me at least a month to adapt. I was really lonely, I think that's why it took a while. Once I settled in and made a few friends I was much happier.
A few years ago I had to go back to my mum's for financial reasons and I found it really hard being back, my mum is lovely but it's nice to have your own space :)

05-03-15, 18:38
I agree, try to stick it out.

I lived in the dorms my first year of college, and then the next three years I lived in a house with my friends. My school was about 20 minutes from my home, so not too far. I'd go home for the summer and every single year when I'd move back in the fall I'd be so homesick and sad/moody, and be planning ways that I could just move back home.

Now I live at home again while I'm finishing school because it's cheaper. I can't wait to move back out and have a place of my own! I imagine there'll be some of the same homesickness, even if I'm nearby, but once that passes it can really be a lot of fun to have some independence!

08-03-15, 22:33
Thank you so much for replying both of you.

I'm feeling a little better now. I can't live at home forever so I need to accept that lol xx