View Full Version : worried about weird symotoms

13-02-15, 02:14
Hello. I am new to the forum and I am looking for some insight on some symptoms I am having.
I have health anxiety. Currently in my head I am suffering from a few different diseases.
This may be a long post and I apologize.
I am a 34 year old female. Wife and mother of 2.
About 6 weeks ago I became obsessed with a mole on my back and convinced myself I had a melanoma. I went to the dermatologist and had it removed. During the wait time for the biopsy results I began to check my lymph nodes to see if the "melanoma" had spread to them. Of course while digging through my neck I found all sorts of lumps and bumps.

Biopsy came back normal. But I still have nodes I can feel. Under my jaw on each side I have two round bumps. About midway between my jaw hinge and chin. I feel many samll lumps and bumps down each side of my neck. More so on my right side. So now I think I have Lymphoma. I went to my GP and she felt everything and said she didn't feel anything abnormal but she would order a ultrasond and cbc blood test. The blood test came back normal. My ultrasound was normal except for the fact they found a salivary stone in my right submandibular gland. Now I believe I have salivary gland cancer.

My GP said it is not cancer but I am still worried. She sent me to an ENT who also checked me out and said that he would order me a CT of the neck just to ease my mind. I go next Wednesday for that and BMP bloodwork. So with all of that here are a list of my current symptoms.
Lymph nodes that I can feel
headache on and off
slightly itchy here and there.
A little sweaty at night. Not sheet drenching but a little damp especially when I snuggle up to my very warm hubby.
TMJ like symptoms primarily on right side ...pains in ear, fluid in right ear, jaw ache on and off, lower tooth sensitivity, above eye pain.
Super anxious about all of these things. Could someone please help with a little reassurance or share similar experiences I would greatly appreciate it.

13-02-15, 08:21
Youre not the only one experiencing the same health symptoms. just remember that. im only 19 years old in college and freak out about every single thing and it took a toll on two semesters and came out with horrible grades, and i dont visit the doctor because of health anxiety, I dont like to find out if its "c." i assume that you google all your symptoms and i have learned that google AND webmd are your worst enemies (especially google images). the best thing for you is to visit a psychologist to do some CBT because if youre raising two children, health anxiety will completely self destruct you.

13-02-15, 13:59
Thank you for your reply. Yes I have Googled all of these things and I am terified. I am seeing a therapist but because I have actual small nodes ranging from a few mm to a centimeter, I find it hard to concentrate on the CBT. I am scared. Especially because one of few of them are in the posterior triangle area which of course I read is not a good.

13-02-15, 15:22
I used to have a canker sore in my mouth which caused my lymph nodes under my jaw to become swollen and tender. However, the canker sore went away, and the absolute swelling and tenderness also went away. What is still left are approx. 1cm soft lymph node billaterally under my jaw, which can be defined as "shotty lymph nodes". I don't know about you how your lymph nodes came to be, but lymph nodes can become shotty.