View Full Version : Partners,parents, relatives and friends and HA

12-02-15, 22:32
Hi all

So I don't know if I have come here for a
Moan to let steam off or for some kind of advice but here is the situation :
I have had a lot going on being treated for uti even thou nothing shower in urine but symptoms present I have been taking trims (somthing) anti biotic for that, I was diagnoised again with gastritis. Two weeks ago.. Givens lansmprozle most symptoms gone apart from nausea, back pain (if that's that) and occasional stomach pain. I also have tonsilitis with I am taking amoxicillin for & a gum infection and a crack in my tooth which is from being stressed and grinding! Have my mouth guard from dentist ... Just wanted give u back ground info!
So I've just argued with my husband as I said I feel really nausea when I think of
Food I'm about to be sick it's horrible and he went off getting moody of how I'm always thinking the worst and how he always has to hear it & it's horrible for him!!
I'm sorry but it's horrible for you!! You have to spend 20 minutes a day listening to me not even properly may I add and maybe 10 mins max a day reassuring me .. ( I know that's more than normal but I estimated up) but I live with HA every day! Every thing and feeling is a worry, I'm worried so much I am grinding my teeth so bad at night I'm 24 and they are all cracking!! I have to live with the constant panic and feeling of been nothing but petrified I am dyinb, the embarrassment of going to the doctor and I have to work on not doing this every day and doing cbt and the contant battle of what I shouldn't do google and what I want to do as I'm scared!! But he has it bad! My parents the same why are u like this just don't be!! Well if only it was that easy!! Thank gosh they told me not to worry I never thought of that...

So as you can tell I'm angry, upset, annoyed does other people have this!! How bad are their poor lives living with someone with HA?? If must be difficult for them .......... And breath ;)