View Full Version : Off citalopram now on Sertraline

10-02-15, 20:28
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give my experience of citalopram. I was on this drug for about 3-4 years and recently I felt in a really good place and thought I was ready to come off antidepressants, I was also fed up with feelings so tired and lethargic all the time and not much see drive either. So I reduced from 30mg to 20mg to 10mg to 0. That whole process took about 2 months ish and without much problem. I was completly citalopram free for about 4 weeks and it was horrible. For the whole time I had dizziness like my head would move and then my eyes catch up a few seconds later. I thought it would gradually get better but it did t. I was constantly giddy. Headaches started then about 3 and a half weeks into it I started having anxiety again, insomnia!! My worst enemy! It's just a vicious circle I can't sleep, I worry about not being able to sleep, I then panic and it goes on and on.

Anyway, went to the gp who suggested trying Sertraline. I was reluctant as it felt like defeat. Going back on anti depressants but I couldn't stand the anxiety anymore it was taking over everything, again! After 2 days all my symptoms were gone and I was about 80% back to normal. She started me on 25mg for 2 weeks then 50mg for the last 4 weeks. I don't feel as tired so far but sex drive has decreased again :-(. But the real MAJOR difference for me is my hair has stopped falling out!! Whilst on citalopram my hair was always shredding and has become so thin and sparse. I have had blood tests, thyroid tests etc all for hair loss and they have always come back normal. So I did always wonder if it was related to the citalopram and it HAS to be. Now when I wash my hair in the bath there is hardly any lost hair, before there were at least 50 strands. Changin fb medication is he ONLY change I've made so it has to be that. I am sooooo glad I switched for this reason alone.

I have an appointment tomorrow where I will Prob ask for it to be increased as this last week I've felt really 'edgy' I believe 100mg is a 'normal-ish' dose for anxiety anyway.

The conclusion I've come to really is that I will probably always need these tablets in my life. It has taken quite. While to accept this and I do a lot of alternative therapy also, meditation, hypnotherapy, a lot of reading and even studying anxiety. Lately I have studied my past and when I look back, I was ALWAYS suffering with anxiety. I can think of sooooooo many examples but I never knew what 'Anxiety' was back then. It has hindered my whole life and I feel I have not achieved what deep down I know I am capable of because of this constant fear in my life. So if taking this tablet everyday enables me to live a 'normal' existence then I am prepared to do it. There is still a lot of stigma with mental health and it does make me feel 'weak' at times having to be on medication but I need to remind myself that its ok to need medication. I do not want my life to be a daily struggle and battle with anxiety where I barely function. I have obviously, whether learnt behaviour, genetically or whatever have had this my whole life and I am now only realising.

I just wanted to share my story in case anyone relates to anything as I have read a LOT of other people's stories and it does help knowing you are not alone and so many people can relate to what you are going through.

Thanks for reading x