View Full Version : Tiny red skin spots

06-02-15, 11:13
Hi all,

I've recently noticed about five or so tiny red spots have appeared on my skin. They are tiny, like a pin-prick and appear in isolation on my neck, chest, arms and my small finger.

I'm currently undergoing CBT for my health anxiety and thought I had been getting better until I noticed this symptom. I tried and tried not to Google, but I couldn't resist. As I should have known it came up with a raft of scary diseases, including leukaemia.

I'm now worried stiff and checking my body for more of these spots. My girlfriend says it's nothing to worry about and lots of people have them, but I feel like they're appearing out of nowhere.

What do you think?

Thanks all.

07-02-15, 04:55
I've grown up with these spots. They are just blood vessels close to the surface. I had one on my lip for years i kept popping it enough it went away. Don't suggest that lol. Don't worry about them unless they hurt or become itchy.

07-02-15, 11:16
Are they little bumps at all? If so it could be some kind of eczema with the recent cold weather, might be worth trying a little moisturiser.

07-02-15, 17:47
Most likely to be Campbell de Morgan spots. I have these and they're completely harmless. As always though, if in doubt, ask your GP.


07-02-15, 18:45
Thanks everyone. Have spotted another one on my hand, but not too concerned after what's been said. I've googled what leukaemia spots look like and they tend to be clustered and larger than what I have. Maybe it's the cold making it worst. Also, just seen my mum has them too so maybe it's a hereditary thing. Thanks for support. Feel much better.