View Full Version : is there ANY ONE ???

25-01-15, 03:16
Is there anyone here, at all, that has pins and needles- in arms legs feet and hands all at once, for the majority of the day- with also a back drop of a constant electric vibration- to include incoordination of fine motor movement with hands, fingers, body feeling like its swaying, severe disequilibrium ( which is mostly when standing still or turning- looking up or down )

ANYONE AT ALL ...............please share your details..I do have medical issues but I would love this to be anxiety...sincerely.

25-01-15, 04:32
Yes, the constant vibration thing is very common with anxiety. Its due to the adrenaline. I've had this as a main symptom with my GAD ever since it started.

I don't know about the rest you mention but part of the fight or flight response does cause loss of fine motor skills.

26-01-15, 22:04
I have definitely had the tingling numbness all over my limbs before. I haven't had the 'in-coordination' of them but all over tingling is usually a good sign. Most neurological disorders start in one localized spot and branch out, not jumping all over the body. Also, the symptoms don't usually come and go with major disorders but progressively got worse and more present. (At least, that's what several doctors have told me.) I also struggle with health anxiety and it's hard to believe so much pain or tingling or twitches or head rushes can be anxiety, but as far as my doctors have said, that's what all my symptoms boil down to.

30-01-15, 22:39
I do have periphreal neuropathy and radculopathy from spinal issues, I was tested with EMG ) its nerve conduction test with needles and electricity. The neurologist performed the test himself.

My periphreal neuropathy is idiopathic, meaning they don't know the cause ( ie ) typically diabetes is a cause, or chemotherapy for cancer treatment ect- there is no known cause in my case.....as for the spinal issues and radiculopathy, we do now the cause, its issues in my spine........none the less......I am asking if others have the pins and needles in arms, legs, hands and feet because- usually a small dose of lorazepam will take the majority of it away - but not always......I have so many symptoms and I just wish they were anxiety, because IF that were the case, I could talk myself out of them, I've had bad anxiety 20 years ago and talked myself through with the help of a book by Claire, Weekes - there is nothing I can do now, and so I was just hoping maybe its not really neurological as seems to be case :(