View Full Version : follow on from 11yr old fainting...so worried

14-01-15, 15:53
So last Thurs my 11 year old fainted in the morning whilst eating her breakfast. She was checked over by the dr who said it was common for girls her age etc and not to worry.
She was fine Fri/Sat/Sun and woke up Mon complaining of nausea and dizziness. Again we phoned our GP who said it was probably viral and she should be ok in a few days time. She has been off school since (which in itself is stressing me out!) and we made her go in today. I had a phone call at 12.30 to pick her up as she was feeling dizzy and sick. SHe hasn't been sick and has an appetite but feels constantly sick. She hasn't fainted again and I know she is worried about it happening again.

Just wondering if anyone else has had anything like this, she's pretty upset about it all and is fed up being at home. She has assured me there is nothing going on at school. Very worried about her.

14-01-15, 16:42
You say she still has an appetite so is eating well? If she was feeling really sick then I don't think she would want to be eating. Maybe it is more psychological than a physical illness? I can understand your worries as it is not easy when our children seem unwell. Is she quite well developed for her age as it could be puberty related and maybe ready to start her periods?

14-01-15, 16:45
Yes she is very well developed I'm surprised she hasn't started yet. I'm wondering if it is psychological. Everytime she eats or drinks she says she feels sick

14-01-15, 16:54
If she is still able to eat though it doesn't seem like she feels too sick. It could just all be puberty related and hormone changes could be making her a little anxious. Try not to let her see that you are concerned.

14-01-15, 18:36
I remember when my wee sister was 13, she fainted at school and my parents were told it was due to her periods. She was just starting them. She hadnt eaten much that day and felt yucky for a couple of days afterwards but it never happened agAin x

14-01-15, 22:07
She could have low blood sugar levels, that also makes you dizzy and having nausea.