View Full Version : Long-term citalopram taking and tiredness/sweating

02-12-14, 10:23
Hi, I am new to this forum and just wondered if they had similar experiences and any helpful tips for me.

Was diagnosed with Gad when 17 and have been on citalopram for around 6/7 years. I have also had two years of cbt which helped me immensely and would recommend to anybody.

I have recently moved to Germany and am very happy here.

I am thinking about slowly coming off my citalopram as i suffer from extreme tiredness (i could sleep for +12 hours) and sweating at night. I take my citalopram before i go to bed. It hasnt bothered me till now but i have started a german language course which is the morning and today i missed it and am feeling gulity/ashamed and embarrassed! Im 27 years old and i can't get out of bed!!!

If anyone has any similar experiences i would be grateful to hear them.

Many thanks

05-12-14, 19:37
I have problems with sweating on Citaloram but never excessive tiredness... It may sound like a silly question, but have you spoken to a doctor about other possible causes for the tiredness?

10-12-14, 13:03
That's good to know I'm not the only sweater!! Yeah I have had blood tests in the past but nothing comes up, think it might be my diet as I eat way too much sugar! Probably not helpful! Thank you for the response!

10-12-14, 14:31
Sugar is defo a problem for us with mental health issues. Plenty of info about why it is BAD!

take care.