View Full Version : the real loopy

Granny Primark
05-01-07, 21:42
Ive never ever told anyone this but i know my son reads my post so im hoping hel read this.
My mums sis who im the image of died at 25 of a stroke her son was killed in a road accident at the age of 5,2 years later. My mums other sister died age 42 also of a stroke and then my mum died age 60 of a heart attack.
My dad was a semi proffessional singer who neglected my mum and beat her up and beat me up. He died aged 66 of alzeimers. I looked after him after mum died cus i knew he wasnt a bad person really. It was drink that had got a hold of him.
Ive always been used to being strong, i had to cus of my mum.
I looked after my dad after mum died, thats why i went into caring cus i thought if i could look after dad i could look after other people.
Im not used to needing other people, im used to them needing me.
I want make a fresh start again this year. Its time to move on.
I want my close family back.
Im not a materialistic person, i could live in a tent and be happy.
I just think weve got one chance in this life and its sad if we blow it.
I never kissed my mum the day before she died and il always regret it.
I know il be embarrassed by my post, but what the heck, if it makes people realise that theres no going back and that life short, then itl be worth my embarrassement.

Take care

05-01-07, 21:48
I never kissed my mum the day before she died and il always regret it.

Just want to pick you up on this one, as you may or may not know I lost my grandmother a couple of weeks ago. My mum and aunt went to town with her the day she died my nan had her faults like we all do and my mum and aunt were getting fed up and impatient with her. Now they feel really guilty because they were being like that with their mother. I have told both of them that it doesn't matter and it is nothing to regret or feel guilty about. Im sur you loved your mum and im sure she knows that so don't feel bad about it because your mum will remember the good times she had with you rather than the fact that you did not kiss her the day she died :)

love matt x

05-01-07, 21:51
hi lin

i think you are brave,lovely,careing,lady .and my heart gose out to you .
and all you have sead is so true we have one chance no point leting it go past us without at least trying .

love jodie xx

05-01-07, 21:52

What a lovely post hun. You are such a caring person and I'm so proud to have you for me granny. Loves ya xoxoxoxoxo

Take Care


05-01-07, 21:53
This is why we all need to be positive so we can live life fully. Visiting far away countries, taking up new challenges and feeling great!

I'm sorry to hear about that, Lynn, but do realise that your Mum is looking down at you, smiling =)

My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe.

05-01-07, 21:54
Dont be embarrassed about what you posted it was a great post and it'll inspire a lot of people aswell


05-01-07, 21:59
No need to feel embarassed, but every reason to feel proud of yourself and for being very brave and very wise.

I hope the love that you give out returns to you ten-fold.

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

05-01-07, 22:51
You have suffered great losses and trials in your life and come out of it a kind a caring person! Be proud of yourself and I hope that your son will come to realise this soon.

Hugs to you


Remember tomorrow is a bright new day

05-01-07, 22:52
good for you lynn for opening up its so true we only have one chance in life we only have 1 mother 1 father and you love them theres nothing that should stop a child grown adult from not loving there parents no matter what!!!!!!!! cause when the time comes you can never get it back and it will just eat you up........im saying this from experience just from things i never got a chance to say to my mom so kids young adults today need to open there eyes and realize god blessed you with 2 parents thats it.....grant it there might be some anger but there should never be hate!!!!NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are all humans we all have our faults and what not.... but get over it life is too short......i wish you the best new yr lynn one deserves hun................love ya............Linda xx[8D]