View Full Version : Close to giving up

03-01-07, 18:50
I dont think I can stay at college anymore I have tried and tried but the negatives thoughts and the anxiety will not go away. It will take me 6 years to finish and I am not prepared to go through all this stress. I see people working ordinary jobs and they dont have to worry about 6 years of being skint, 6 years of stress, 6 years of wondering if they have made the right decision, 6 years of pressure etc etc. I just cant see any positives I have been anxious almost every week since I started in September. So what if I will have a professional qualification when im finished. I will be in no fit mental state to use it!!!

I dont know what to do as this is driving me crazy!

03-01-07, 19:24
hi matt

do you think you could take a year out and work on getting stronger and help with anxiety your right in saying your work mabe wont be at its best if you are so stressed and upset at the min .sit and have a chat with family or someone close it might help you
hope things work out love jo x

03-01-07, 19:56
Hi Matt - have you thought of the alternatives ?

My better half is part way through her degree course in Psycology (of all things), and she doesn't attend to do this course. She's with the Open University and does all her work from home in her own time.

Yes, there'd still be some anxiety involved as you do have to provide essays etc as and when needed. There was also an exam she had to sit at the end of the year, but nothing more onerous.

This year she felt she didn't have time to cope with one of her modules - not a problem, its been put back to next year with her just completing as much as she can handle this year.

She still works part time to help pay the bills, and in 3 years she'll still have a Degree.

Have a look at http://www.open.ac.uk/

If its not that level of study you're at, then many Local colleges operate either night school, part time or correspondence courses. It doesn't have to be the way it is, you can fit your education inb around your needs.


03-01-07, 19:58
Working towards a professional qualification can be a stressful time but so can work. In fact, life is a struggle for many but you have to remember why you wanted to do, what you wanted to do. And if you are able then imagine the sense of acheivement when you get there. Don't think about 6 years...think about then end of January....or the end of your next assignment. Break it down into small steps. Think about what you like about it....even if its something stupid...like buying new stationery!!! LOL. Rewards come in various diguises!.

(Sorry if I sound like your mother!)
