View Full Version : Cancer Fear

04-11-14, 15:08
Hi, I have eventually given in and done the one thing that I never thought I would and join a site like this hoping that it will help with my severe Health Anxiety that is taking over my life!! It is so reassuring to come onto a site like this and read so many people thinking and feeling the same as you do. If I had one wish it would be to clear myself of this horrendous anxiety that is starting to be the one and only thing I can think about even though I have a lovely husband and two beautiful little boys and I should be enjoying my life. I am 29 years old and my anxiety started to worsen after the birth of my second child. For me now its the big 'C' cancer! I think I have it constantly, at the moment my fear is cervical cancer but at the same time I have managed to also convince myself I have bowel cancer and that I have found a lump in my tummy, I am not even sure it is a lump but to me it is, I have tummy pains, but I am sure this down to the fact I am worrying myself silly about it, nerves etc rather it been cancer. I have in the past thought I have had ovarian cancer, cancer of the lymph nodes, brain tumor, skin cancer. you name it I have thought I have had it and every time it has turned out to be nothing! I go through phases, I can go a couple of months and everything is great and then out of the blue I get an ache or pain or some other mild symptom and automatically connect that to whatever form of cancer I think it relates too most and then worry myself sick until I get the all clear from the doctors!! My g.p is aware of my condition and is sympathetic but I now worry he won't take me seriously as a result!!! Currently having some mild bleeding in between taking the pill just started for no reason really probably down to stress!! I have already had swabs, the doctor has given me a full examination and looked at my cervix etc, she has even done a full blood count and she has reassured me that she does not think for one second it is anything sinister and everything has come back perfect bloods, swabs etc but that she will refer me for an ultra sound just to check to see if there is anything going on inside etc, very routine of course but to me I have automatically convinced myself something is terribly wrong. I have had ultra sounds before and they have always come back fine. I have spent most of today trailing the internet for all different types of cancers, obsessing over every symptom etc and worrying myself sick. I should be concentrating on my boys not sat making myself ill over this. I am currently on medication for my anxiety 20mg of citalopram which has helped or so I thought but at the moment I have gone backwards big style and have fully convinced myself that I am going to die of this cruel disease if not in the near future then some where down the line? Is this normal and typical of other people on this site? Are there any mums around my age that are going through a similar thing, just want to know I am not alone. Thank you.

04-11-14, 15:41

I am 40 and I have the same fears.

I have had the slight bleeding after intercourse, after tests it was fine and the bleeding stopped.

I have had stomach pains, loose stomach for a year and convinced I had BC and after a few tests it was fine and my stomach went back to normal.

I have had pelvic pains and needed a wee alot convinced myself OC. Had a sacn and it was clear.

Now I have my ongoing trouble with my breast regarding BC.

The thing is my husband thinks I have health anxiety but to me I just get symptoms and see my doctor. I also like you obsess and look up symptoms or look up the signs to look for with c.

Your 29, age is on your side. Try to not goggle and it will help. Plan an activity with your boys to take your mind off thingsx

PM me if you have any worries I will be happy to help :)

08-11-14, 08:45
Hi I'm the same as you too. Maybe we can help each other through. I'm 35 with 4 small kids and terrified of something been wrong with me. At this stage don't know if there is anything wrong or anxiety. I've felt a lump near my collarbone and Google and of course c word. I've been to my gp so said she couldn't feel anything. Felt lump again and went to gp again and another gp there said he couldn't feel anything but ordered blood test to be sure as he said there can be serious problems with lumps there even though he didn't feel any. Cue panic from me and now I'm itching which can be a symptom and found a blood spot on my thigh which I think has been there a long time but of course I dunno at this stage. I feel my glands are all sore everywhere and terrified. I should be concentrating on my kids not worrying like this.

11-11-14, 13:43
Hi, I know exactly how you feel, I had a mamogram and U/S last year as I thought I had a lump in my right breast and it turned out to be normal but ever since then I google any sort of ache/pain etc and make myself "ill" just thinking I have Cancer, like you until I see my GP everything is normal again, but i keep getting burning pain in my upper abdomen just below rib cage when I get stressed or overly worried, but really don;t know if I should see my GP or not, I don't want to waste her time. So don't worry hun, you are NOT alone xxx