View Full Version : Scared to sleep

26-10-14, 22:51
Hi all,
I hope some people can try and calm me down.
It started Tuesday night, I couldn't sleep, I was tired and was awake tossing and turning, so I went into spare room so I wouldn't disturb my partner
Anyway, I was laying there trying to sleep and then I would here a high pitch noise in my head that would startle me and my heart would race, and I never ended up sleeping any more that night
The next few nights were not bad, till now,
I am trying to sleep, it's my first day taking my anti depressant and I feel very sick, and know I won't sleep even though I feel tired,
I was just laying there resting my eyes and again I heard a high pitch noise my heart starts racing again, and swore I heard my name being said, I don't know if my mind is doing tricks to me or what?

Do you think I am about to drop of to sleep and have a quick second panic attack ??
Why am I hearing not these noises.
I do not hear noises when I am up and about, it's when I'm trying to sleep.
I am so scared to try and sleep now, so I have come into spare room to try and calm myself down and wondering if anyone can relate??

26-10-14, 23:08
I sometimes get this. Like your brain is scared to relax so as a defence it jumps you awake when nodding off. The sounds you hear are because you on alert and you notice things that you wouldn't notice when you relax.

26-10-14, 23:11
Sounds I hear are high pitched or words.or musical? Just a split second.
Im trying to relax but its so hard

26-10-14, 23:18
I get the same thing I imagine I can hear all sorts of things. I find that listening to music on my iPod can help me to sleep as it distracts me from myself if that makes sense?

26-10-14, 23:23
Yes that does make sense!

26-10-14, 23:25
I use to play a relaxing CD and left it playing until I fell asleep. Also rubbing your tummy in circular movements can calm your nerves. :)

26-10-14, 23:36
Thank you for your advice xx

26-10-14, 23:39
starting on tablets is always difficult, which does not help when you are trying to relax. Don't worry you will settle soon enough.

26-10-14, 23:44
Im watching something on my ipad hopefully when its finished I will be tired enough to sleep