View Full Version : "Odd" feeling in lips

14-10-14, 21:07
Hey everyone, I'm really sorry about my inactivity on this forum. I had an eye exam about two-ish weeks ago, and that came back normal so my health anxiety died down a bit, but now it came back so now I'm here again.

I've been having this "odd" feelings in my lips. It started about a week ago, I started to get this "feeling" in the right area of my lip right below my right nostril. It's not tingly, it's not numb, it just feels like someone is "touching" me there, if that makes sense. I asked my dad, one of my friends, and my Emergency Medical friend if they know anything about it, and they said that they get it and it's just "one of those things."

This feeling has pretty much remained constant, and hasn't gone away. I'm freaking out about it because I hope it isn't a sign of a brain tumor, MS, or some other horrible neurological disease. I keep checking to see if my lip is drooping, but it really isn't and pretty much looks the same as it did in the past.

Yesterday, I started to get this "fullness" feeling in my entire lips. It feels a smidge similar to the feeling that's below my nostril, but it's a lot less intense. It's almost like I'm "aware" of my lips being there, if that makes sense. It went away this morning then came back in mid-day, and now I'm writing this message.

Has anybody ever got this? I'm worried sick and could really use some help with this...

14-10-14, 21:18
hi there, this sounds like a vague symptom that is almost certainly not related to an illness. allergies, food, bitting, etc, etc. we have sensations in our bodies all the time, most of them dont require an explanation and are not a symptom of anything. relax :)

15-10-14, 05:51
It really is vague... But just this night the "vague" pressure feeling went up my face, near my eye, and into my cheek. It's there now. I have a history of neck tension so I wonder if stiff neck muscles can cause these wonky sensations...