View Full Version : Am I weird ? I'm scared

12-10-14, 18:09
For the past few years troubles have been coming to the surface more then ever. I'm not sure if it's good or bad but I guess it's good as I know where to pin point problems but still its quiet scary , I'm sure you can imagine. For the past few months I've been feeling like I'm split between 2 personalities one is a wild child and the other plays it safe just gets on with things as normal people do , except I don't think it's normal. I set up another Facebook profile so I can add people etc I feel so weird for doing this and it really scares me as I don't know what's going on because all of a sudden my problems have just started getting worse , problems in my head that is. I'm seeing a physcitrist (not sure how you spell it) and Im terrified as I ain't very good at explaining myself. Whats going on ?

12-10-14, 18:27
Hi dave.what sort of troubles are coming back to you,are they things from your past you are ashamed of or things you wish you can change , or undo.you say problems in your head ,what sort of stuff is going through your mind.do you feel depressed or anxious,what are your symptoms ,