View Full Version : Hello :)

09-10-14, 18:25
Hi Guys,

I am Sarah, I have used this website before but I have joined again as I could do with some support at the moment.


09-10-14, 20:43
Well hello there Sarah.... would you like your old posts back, or your old account and chat access?

because you know we don't allow duplicate accounts :lac:

Good to see you back (well not good but you know what I mean)

09-10-14, 20:51
oh no not her again :buttkick:x lol

10-10-14, 23:46
HAHA! Hello Emmz.. good to see you too!

Can I just keep this account? Id rather start a fresh unless you have to put me back on my old one. I dont mind. I hope you are well xxxxxxxxxxxx