View Full Version : My diary with fluoxetine

09-09-14, 13:25
I took fluoxetine around 3 years ago for post natal depression and anxiety. The first 2 weeks were hell on earth but I stuck with it and can honestly say it saved my life and gave me daughter a much better start in life as she had a happy and healthy mummy instead of a miserable blubbering wreck.

I was on the tablets for around 9 months and came off them with no problems.

I recently decided for myself to go back on them as I felt the same feelings creeping back in and wanted to stop them before it got any worse! I am now on day 14 and had actually forgotten just how bad the side effect are! For me its been everything from being spaced out to hyper, dry mouth, clenched jaw, irritable but most of all the anxiety. I feel scared in certain situations like picking my kids up from school! I remember the anxiety didn't subside until around the 3-4 week mark last time so I am hoping the same happens soon, doesn't make it any easier just now though!

11-09-14, 09:30

Like you have said it worked for you last time and it will again. I remember very well how the first few weeks were a living hell. I never thought I would function properly again, just constantly feeling sick, dry mouth, lack of sleep and experiencing those irrational thoughts, I remember thinking that I felt worse than I did before taking them. However you do get better. It may take a while to get back into your system but it will and each day you will start to feel better.

I have been on Flouxetine for 5 years and decided that I felt great and decided to only take them every 4-5 days which is no good as it does nothing for you. Then boom, I'm back feeing pretty bad again, I have now been back on them properly for about 10 days and started feeling a little better today, so keep with it, I know the side effects are awful but you will get there.

24-09-14, 15:24
Hey everyone this site has given me great hope over the last few weeks I started back on flu 4.5 weeks ago after been off it for five years and I do remember some of the side effects but this time round like a lot of people have said they are so much worse than I remember first week not to bad just really irritable and no patience second and third week getting to sleep but waking around 3 ish every morning with waves of fear and dread and insane thoughts sweating and twitching but in the day time I was starting to feel a bit better less anxiety and I was able to do things without forcing myself but when I hit week 3.5 roughly anxiety he'll worse than ever and this brought me way back down bit better today after a hiddious start with anxiety again but I have seen a lot of people saying weeks 3 to 5 have been the worst for them also so I'm hoping another few days a week and should start feeling something more like a human again, we are all aware they take a good while before they make us start to feel better but actually going through it is horrendous at times, and I know a lot of people just read threads like this for some reassurance like I have been but I thought it's about time i joined in