View Full Version : what do others do wen having a panic attack

04-09-14, 13:10
Me I flap my arms run round like a bloody headless chicken no it don't help one bit I look like a Looney aye but how do you lot handle it after it I am shaking. Scared. Tired out takes me hours to get over it as I sit waiting for it to happen again any tips for this xxx

04-09-14, 13:23
Nothing. If you don't do anything they pass on their own.

I don't have them any more.

04-09-14, 13:39
Yes I no but as I am so scared I am about to die I find it very hard to sit and let it happen xx

04-09-14, 13:52
But you already know you are not about to die because you have had panic attacks before and you are not dead, right? It's a logic that's impossible to argue against.

Sitting still and letting them happen is the way to recover from them.

Next time, make yourself sit still.

Count, for 20 seconds before you get up, aloud if you need to. Over time, work your way up to a minute, then two, then three before you allow yourself to move.

Chances are once you've made it to three minutes your panic will have subsided anyway.

04-09-14, 13:53
Brunette is right. Anxiety doesn't like to be ignored. It just goes away. I just got so fed-up with going 'OOh', "what's that?' I do still have some symptoms, but only 10 percent of what I used to have. I do still Panic and get Anxious and tearful, but at least the symptoms have died down. It can be done, it's Mind over matter. :)

04-09-14, 22:37
worst thing to do is create a new habbit or Idiosyncrasy that your adding ontop of everything else :)
for the first week you can shrug it off with a calming thought or swear at it lol, but after that i just ignored it and dont have them anymore , I learned early on that the initial Head rush was my Brain telling me my lifestyle was Bad and the things i had shut away needed dealing with , once i ignored the head rush and dealt with the shut away memories or problems all was good :)

04-09-14, 22:56
When I have a panic attack, I walk around (cause I don't always feel dizzy) with my hand on my chest and I'm trying to calm my breathing. I count to 8 and then inhale slowly. Usually after doing that a few times, I start to feel a little better. Then I lay down in bed and just concentrate on my breathing. I drink a glass of lemonade. During the attack my arms sometimes shake or my whole body, I'm sweaty and I feel like I'm about to throw up (and that never happens). I can't really breathe and my hearts pounds like crazy.

04-09-14, 23:10
I sit down, take deep breaths in through my nose, hold for the count of 5 then let it slowly out through my nose. I also focus on an object in the room and really concentrate on that object, describing it to myself. It works...I haven't had a panic attack for a while now. I sometimes feel panicky but following this routine with them, it never develops into a panic attack any more.

05-09-14, 07:00
its all in the breathing i try to slow it down only thing is when my stomach flips and churns its hard to calm that feeling down at times and this can keep it going for to start again anyone else feel like this

05-09-14, 10:18
Learn the deep breathing exercises Trish. Mastering this skill will help you take control of the anxiety and stay calm. There is no quick easy fix to this. You need to be prepared to put the work in if you want to feel the benefit.
Accept the panic attack. They are just feelings, that is all. They are unpleasant but they will not harm you. Stop fighting it. Even the thought of fighting/battling/struggling will make you automatically tense and increase those awful sensations. Accept that these horrible feelings are temporary and carry on with what you were doing.
Have you read the articles on the left side of this page? There is some great advice there and best of all it is free:winks: