View Full Version : excitement

23-12-06, 09:01
Hi everyone.I would like to know if this happens to anyone else here.
I have found if Im getting excited about something,which I must say isnt very often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(It seems to start all the panic symptoms off.
especially the tummy area.This is what triggered my last major PA in the summer.

Ellen XX

23-12-06, 09:30
I agree

I can look back to my childhood and see now that I was over excited by lifes events. This added to my anxiety.

I think some of us have a very sensitive stimulus repsonse and although it may seem good at times, it can of course increase anxiety by over producing all those wonderful neurotransmiters.

If I feel myself becoming 'too excitited' now, I just take a step back, hit the brakes, and clam back down.

merry xmas to you too


23-12-06, 10:32
I to getn over excited, especially this time of year, i have finised my night shift at work and do,nt go back till boxing day,not much of a break i know, but the excitment of christmas is really getting to me.I have family staying over,and feel that i want everthing to be right, that a panic will take over and ruin everything. AHh well , that,s life i guess, Merry christmas one and all.

23-12-06, 11:00
Yup, excitement and nerves feel the same to me! So I can often get confused and think I am panicking, which then of course makes me panic!


"Smile Like You Mean It"

23-12-06, 11:21
hi Ellen
im having anxiety probs as i speak yet last nite we went out with friends for the first time in ages and had a great time but i drunk too much and thats whats causing my anxiety to kick in i think i know what you mean its seems like were not allowed to fun anymore doesnt it at times:(anyway merry xmas
Mick x

my life has been full of terrible events most of which have never happened!

23-12-06, 11:32
Hi Ellen

I have the same symptoms with excitement as I do under stressful situations. Even if i get overly excited talking to someone on the phone I will get the dizziness, extra. It is all down to the stimulation of adrenaline and an over sensitive nervous system. The problem is when the symptoms remain even after the excitement is over!

Have a Lovely Christmas.


23-12-06, 11:36
hi ellen, i too feel like this, and it makes you "wary" of looking forward to things. my therapist told me its adrenaline, for both exitement and fear. you just interpretit wrongly. the best way to explain was when you go on a frightening ride at a theme park, you feel frightened, the adrenaline starts pumpimg, etc but when the rides has finished, youve enjoyed it, and realise, it was excitement that you were experiencing. and you actually enjoyed it.!! so try not to be frightened, hope this helps a little

take care

23-12-06, 12:12
i dont know what to feel today, I feel weird, not excited or nervous or sad. Do feel a bit sick tho [Ugh] hope you all have a merry christmas :)

23-12-06, 16:02
Thank you everyone.you are all such super friends.;):);)

Ellen XX

23-12-06, 16:18
Hi Ellen,

Excitement can be just as bad as stressful situations sometimes, guess it is just a difficult time of year for us all. I have to go on a girls night out tonight and am so anxious I can barely get dressed. My stomach is tied up in knots and I am terrified of having a panic attack while out. Part of me really really doesn't want to go. So I really do understand

Hope you have a good Christmas

Hugs to you


24-12-06, 00:12
can so relate..ive been getting excited but it always makes me worry that ill take a dip...

24-12-06, 18:55
Me too Ellen.

I am sat here try to not think of sorting it all out for tomorrow.
Hating it cos I feel I am going to go under tomorrow as I can feel the vunerableness creeping in...

25-12-06, 10:42
I feel tense but im not sure if its excitement or not its not nice whatever it is!

25-12-06, 19:14
I certainly know what you mean. I have this new boyfriend, and whenever I am waiting for him to come over, my heart starts skipping, I get dizzy and I can't breathe. I know it's just excitement, but the "symptoms" are the same as anxiety.
I think knowing how this ties together helps me from not getting panicy when it happens.

Hope you are all enjoying the holidays in spite of the trouble they may be causing.
Merry Christmas to you all.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

26-12-06, 06:30
That is exactly what my doc told me. I get over-exited and over-anxious. I can totally agree with him. My exitement has made me become passionate about somethings where I had made great progress in the past. The very same thing which I made great progress was entirely skrewed up because I started becoming very very very anxious about keeping high exitement level, which was not becoming possible in the longer run.

Exercise can help us keep things under control. When things are happening good in life, I get this anxiety about when things may not. When I hadnt known that I was prone to anxiety, those toughts used to ruin my fun and the very anxiety caused bad things to actually happen. Now I let myself calm down and make me think, everything was going to be alright and that every situation can be handled.

When I get over exited, I think a bit philosophically and think back about my past history and how much things have changed and I make the effort to not get over exited.

If we learn ourselves better, we can handle the world around us better.

