View Full Version : Lumpiness/bulging below tonsils

20-07-14, 14:04
Hi all,

long-time reader/panicker, first time poster :) 24-year-old male.

My tonsils are swollen. In general that's not really what I'm worried about, they're painless at the mo, I've got no issues with swallowing, and I've got a history of tonsil issues (though nowhere near enough to prompt me to consider a tonsillectomy).

What is worrying me is that I can see some bulging underneath them, further down in my throat, on both sides. It's almost like it's connected to the tonsils themselves, maybe it's an extension of the tonsils themselves (in which case they are alarming large on the whole :S ) but googling about it has yielded nothing, and there are very few photos of tonsils deep enough into the mouth to tell if it's normal.

I've been suffering with what I assumed was globus hystericus recently, but now I'm beginning to get paranoid that it's these lumps that are the cause of my tight neck feeling.

I guess I'm going to have to go to the doctor (although I really don't want to, I'm terrified of going there) but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone here has anything similar. I've attached a picture (with handy arrows, heh.)