View Full Version : Constant Abdominal Pain and Fluffy stools

15-07-14, 09:39
Hi Guys, it looks like the anxiety monster is starting to get hold of me again :mad:

Around Feb this year I was in a panic as I had a strange swallowing sensation and could feel 4 glands under my chin. Although they haven't gone (and it many ways seem more prominent but the same size) when doctors kept telling me they weren't concerned I finally started to believe them and the anxiety went.

However, about 4 months ago I started to get a constant nagging pain just below my right rib and sometimes can feel it round my back. I ignored it for a couple of months but about 3 weeks ago I visited the doctor about it. He put me on omeprazole and ran some bloods. He said if the bloods come back clear he will consider me healthy and put it down to posture.

The bloods were almost clear (ESR & CRP were perfect) but the white cell count was a little high but I had a chest infection at the time. I was called in and when I mentioned the chest infection he sent me for a chest xray which was normal. A week ago he called unexpectedly and asked about the pain suggesting the tablets should have settled it down and as I still have it I should go in for more investigation.

For the past 4-5 weeks I have also had fluffy poo (sorry not sure how else to describe). In the morning I have an urgency to go to the toilet and it comes out a lighter brown than normal, floats and is very soft to the point it just starts dissolving into the water. I often have to go again shortly after which is even softer.

Currently the pain is still there although if I were to rate it from 1 -10 it would only be a 2. Interestingly if I hit a bump in my car it jiggles about and can be felt more.

Anxiety is now kicking in and telling me it has to be sinister. I know all I can do is wait for more tests but wanted to speak of my symptoms (as it often puts things in perspective) and to see if its a common occurrence.


17-07-14, 13:47
I have a really similar ongoing pain to you, (see my previous posts). I think it seems to be fairly common with anxiety to suffer stomach problems. (I even have the same coloured poo as you! Tan - paler, sometimes even yellowish, fluffy - but bitty - more like oatmeal consistency?) and pretty constant right sided rib pain. My gastroenterologist said it was my large bowel I could feel under my rib at the hepatic flexure and he said that was probably ibs. The fluffy stools, he said (after a stool test) were related to GERD and a too fast transit.

I have a gastroscopy tomo , which I am freaking out about, because I have back pain between shoulder blades and burning, hot feelings under my ribs (middle left), and just under my breast bone in the middle, as well as the right rib feelings.

for something that doesn't really hurt at all - more uncomfortable, it really stresses me out!

feel better soon


19-07-14, 08:07
Hi Claire

Thanks for the response. I have read your other posts and I'm sorry to hear the last gastroscopy didn't go well.

Oatmeal is a perfect description - and yes it is yellowish too. My pain seems to be slightly worse at the mo. I guess I just need to wait for whatever tests I'm sent for and see what happens :(

Take care.

19-07-14, 09:42
Good luck with your tests. :) I have suffered with anxiety for years, what stresses me out is that I've only had rib symptoms since Nov, and burning issues since Feb, before that my stomach was pretty good. Makes me worry. :/