View Full Version : Worried about lung cancer or esophagus cancer

13-07-14, 01:10
Hi my health anxiety is very high i have been having symptoms for about 2 weeks now it started with acid reflux then a cough which is like an itch in my throat it feels like i have to clear something out of my throat and my throat feels a bit sore and i have a dry mouth quite a bit iam also feeling tired and very irritable. I also feel short of breath i normally go running 2 or 3 times a week but have stopped over the last week as iam scared of going now in case i cannot breath i thing i may have lung cancer or esophagus cancer i dont want to go to the doctors because iam meant to be going on holiday in 3 weeks with my wife and 2 children and the doctor might say i cannot go. I dont know if its just my health anxiety or something bad i had bad health anxiety last year a month before i went on holiday which nearly ruined my holiday but luckily it dispersed when i was on holiday. I have suffered with health anxiety for over 15 years and every time i thing this time it could be something bad i dont know what to do .

13-07-14, 06:37
I have been having the same exact symptoms as you since December. I finally got to a doctor and he said it was GERD and prescribed me acid reflux medication, which has made me feel a bit better. I too am afraid it's something more serious, but he has reassured me it's not. You should definitely go to a doctor just in case though, it may relieve some of the worry.

19-04-15, 20:50
Hi my health anxiety is very high i have been having symptoms for about 2 weeks now it started with acid reflux then a cough which is like an itch in my throat it feels like i have to clear something out of my throat and my throat feels a bit soar and i have a dry mouth quite a bit iam also feeling tired and very irritable. I also feel short of breath i normally go running 2 or 3 times a week but have stopped over the last week as iam scared of going now in case i cannot breath i thing i may have lung cancer or esophagus cancer i dont want to go to the doctors because iam meant to be going on holiday in 3 weeks with my wife and 2 children and the doctor might say i cannot go. I dont know if its just my health anxiety or something bad i had bad health anxiety last year a month before i went on holiday which nearly ruined my holiday but luckily it dispersed when i was on holiday. I have suffered with health anxiety for over 15 years and every time i thing this time it could be something bad i dont know what to do .

My symtoms has come back after 8 months but iam convinced its something serious again for the last few weeks i have had a sore throat , pain in my jaw under my ear and shortness of breath a cough dry mouth and some sinus problems also feels like there is something stuck in my throat . And generally not feeling well i have been back to the doctors and seen 2 diffrent doctors but they didn't seem to concerned . They are new to my doctors surgery but i think i made a mistake telling them i suffered with health anxiety . I dont know what to do next do i demand they send me to an ent specialist for some tests and a chest x ray or just try forgetting about it .

19-04-15, 21:14
My symtoms havs come back after 8 months but iam convinced its something serious again for the last few weeks i have had a soar throat , pain in my jaw under my ear and shortness of breath a cough dry mouth and some sinus problems also feels like there is something stuck in my throat . And generally not feeling well i have been back to the doctors and seen 2 diffrent doctors but they didn't seem to concerned . They are new to my doctors surgery but i think i made a mistake telling them i suffered with health anxiety . I dont know what to do next do i demand they send me to an ent specialist for some tests and a chest x ray or just try forgetting about it .

Soar throat - Acid. Jaw pain by ear - Grinding teeth at night when asleep due to anxiety. Shortness of breath - Acid. Dry mouth - Anxiety. Sinus - not sure. Cough - Acid Irritation. Lump in throat - Acid.

It really sounds like its just acid Lees. Typical symptoms of reflux.

I suffer badly myself but mine is diagnosed.

19-04-15, 21:34
Hi thanks for your reply Dazza123

19-04-15, 21:47

Sounds like acid.

19-04-15, 22:35
:doh:Lee6655 anxiety can cause you to have this ,when I am bad it flares up dam anxiety it awful give us symptoms and messes with our head :hugs:

19-04-15, 23:54
Hi thanks for your replys