View Full Version : I was doing so well!...

10-07-14, 09:11
Its back, the worrying.
Ever since I turned 20 I have had blood come out of every orifice and I'm now only 21.
I'm on antibiotics every day and have been for nearly a year for cystitis, but at least that is under control.

I have been bloating like crazy and had blood in my stools for the last couple of months, my GP prescribed laxatives but I don't think I'm constipated and therefore haven't worked (really sorry if this is TMI). In the last couple of days I have cut out wheat from my diet and the bloating seams to have died down a bit, but its still early days. Terrified it could be something more sincere.
Also, I've been spotting in between periods. Although the sensible side of my brain is saying 'its probably just my contraceptive pill', I'm worried about cervical cancer. Saying that, I have had the vaccinations so I know its even more unlikely.
I feel like I'm losing control of my body. Can anyone relate to this?