View Full Version : Talk me down please

02-07-14, 14:32
I have been doing pretty well with my HA.

My husband and I got a letter through the post saying we both need a medication and mental health review but before we do so we need a fasting blood test.

Stupidly, this has scared me.

Last year I had high cholesterol of 6.1 but because my blood pressure was perfect and I had no other risk factors they just asked me to re-test, thinking that because I have a low thyroid this was connected and after I had sorted that out my cholesterol should lower. My thyroid levels did get better but not in the normal range and my cholesterol went down to 5.8. High but they said at the age of 32 with no risk factors they were happy to just keep an eye on it.

I didn't take another test as I was too scared. High C does run in my family but no one had a heart attack under the age of 70 so I am classed as low risk.

The tests they want me to take now include the cholesterol test and I am petrified it is going to be higher and they will tell me I am going to have a heart attack soon.

A part of me just wants to not have it done as it scares me so much.

02-07-14, 14:58
Having a regular cholesterol test is just a sensible precaution for those who had a high result in the past. It's just something to keep an eye on. There's all sorts of stuff we need to keep an eye on as we age.

But it is just that: keep an eye on it. If the reading are high, it merely means you need to make a dietry/lifestyle change. No doctor is going to suggest you're about to have a heart attack any minute.

If you did nothing about a high cholesterol situation, and carried on eating a fry-up for breakfast lunch and dinner, then yes, you may eventually get a heart attack. I am assuming you don't eat lard thrice daily, so the purpose of testing you is for the doctor to be able to recommend small changes you should make.

I know it is hard waiting for the results to be sent back to you. Some places won't bother phoning if there's nothing to tell you. Perhaps ask the nurse how you can make sure you hear about the outcome, in order to minimise the waiting period.

Female healthanxiety
02-07-14, 15:15
Please don't let this scare you!

I used to work in a surgery and it is just them being thorough and you are probably 1 of 1000 they are phoning!

Great news on your blood pressure - this in itself is great news.

I have always been border line low thyroid - so I know it will happen soon!

Don't worry - around 1 in 4 people get high cholesteral and worse scenario if you do have it, its one simple tiny tablet....

Deep Breaths and think how better you will feel after you have been x

02-07-14, 17:15
Thank you.

So if the worst comes to worse and it is still too high then I would just make dietary changes or go on statins? At 33 I might not be old enough to have a heart attack at any minute? I know no one knows that for sure about anyone, but it is unlikely I have caused that much damage with a 5.8 reading at my age? Last time it was 5.8 they said I was still low risk and didn't ask me to do anything except regular tests.

Female healthanxiety
02-07-14, 18:14
I'm 31 and have ectopic heart beats, but am not currently on medication for it.

Yes simple dietary changes will help and your young so your body would probably adapt to just that alone! BUT that's if you do!!

You are panicking way too much talking about the heart attacks! Chill out your mind is way ahead of yourself. At your age even with slightly high cholesterol you would have to have other factors such as high BP etc.

I bet many people our age have high cholesterol and don't know it until they are at least in there 40s.....


02-07-14, 19:23
I have PVCs as well, I had high cholesterol at one time but through weight loss, diet and working out I have lowered it. It runs in my family as well though. You really are reading too far into it. I understand though as I do the same thing but its just a risk factor, it does not guarantee a heart event. Deep breaths :) And if you do have high levels still, there are medications that can give you if you choose to go that way.

02-07-14, 21:00
Thank you.

I am at a healthy weight. Don't drink or smoke. My diet is ok. I am fussy eater so don't like many veg or fruits (but I do make sauces with veg in them) and I eat too much chocolate crap but I only have something fried once a week at the very very most and cook with healthy oils and rarely eat processed stuff.
I probably eat too much cheese but I only eat very little every day so even with my not so amazing diet there is nothing I eat great quantities of.

It's mostly the fear of waiting for my appointment and worrying about the results I think.

My husband has to have the exact same tests so I think they do this now when they do the annual mental health meds review for us both.

I keep wanting to put it off, partly because I hate not being able drink coffee after 6.pm and partly because I don't want to worry.

It says book an appointment and then have the tests done five days before.