View Full Version : Don't know if I can do it?!

29-06-14, 20:17
I have just booked the trip of a life time
8 days in Thailand (hua hin)
Then 8 days in Vietnam (ho chi Minh city)

I accept that by going I have to get jabs (huge needle phobic here- tears, shaking, sobbing before having them done)

However I will cope... I have no choice ...

But the one thing is rabies!
It's not one you have to have but can have,
Is it worth it! Does anyone know? Does it hurt I've heard it goes in to your hip?
What are the dogs and other animals like in Thailand?
I sound like im not excited I really am Looking forward to it but I was just wondering.
My mum thanks I'm mad going having gone to nyc last November and Greece in may but I love love love to travel and so badly just want my mind put at ease so ican enjoy?

I don't mind the other jabs because I think they all go in your arm like normal but the rabies one terrifies me! The pain I'm imagining.

29-06-14, 20:39
My daughter did a world tour a couple of years ago. Thailand was one of the countries she visited and had no problems there. However she was bitten by a monkey in the last country she went to (either Malaysia or Indonesia). She told her GP when she got home and was given a rabies injection then. She has a Huge needle phobia but didn't complain too much so it can't have been that bad. I have other family members who have been to Thailand and none of them had a rabies injection.
Stop worrying you will love it!!!

29-06-14, 21:39
Thanks Annie, I will have a great time.
My nans been she didn't have the jab and didn't get bit
Uncles wife is from Thailand and he spends lots of time their and has never had the rabies jab.
So maybe I can talk to him about the jabs I need. :)
We are going to Vietnam aswell.

30-06-14, 19:33
Your holiday sounds great Emma. When do you go?

30-06-14, 19:52
The thought of the needle is far far worse than the reality. Whenever I get jabs, I make sure that I don't look at the needle at all! Not before, during or after. I just turn the other way and chat away to the nurse.
Also try to think about how this quick jab, thats going to take all of 10-15 seconds in and out is nothing compared to catching hepatitis/yellow fever/rabies...whatever it happens to be. Also many of these jabs last you for years...so you won't need to get them done again for a whiley...and can go off travelling to other places without worrying about needing jabs!

30-06-14, 20:22
Thanks katie :)
Annie I go in march of next year! Seems a bit crazy really as in a year and 4 months would be three holidays (too long hauls)
But I'm sooooo excited Allready.
But I don't want to regret not doing later in life and love everything about travelling so much.
The rabies jab is not a must as if you get bitten you still need the jabs it just buys you more time. General advice is dont approach dogs etc etc. if you get bitten go to the hospital. Don't carry food in sight as monkeys could bite you for it and sleep with your windows shut aswell.
Yes katie the thought is the worse.
I don't know what It is that frightens me about them though but something does.
I will cope though its just the rabies jab that scares me (heard it goes in the hip)

30-06-14, 21:21
You're so lucky, wish I could go to Thailand and Vietnam!
If this helps, you can get these numbing patches that you stick on your arm so you feel little to anything at all during the injection. I had a couple for my last injections and it really does help!

30-06-14, 21:30
My daughter was given it in her arm and said it wasn't too bad :)

30-06-14, 21:50
Relax, needles aren't all that bad! They'll distract you by directing your attention to another part of the room then when you look back it'll be done and dusted, you don't feel it!

Used to be a little afraid of needles also, then ended up with six tattoos. >_>

04-07-14, 20:10
Thanks guys
I am very much looking forward to going away next year :)

04-07-14, 20:26

04-07-14, 21:06
Hope you have an amazing time! :D