View Full Version : Please not cancer again :(

28-06-14, 00:11
Mum and dad are visiting and my anxietys are set off with the news they bring :(

My dad by has lung cancer diagnosed 2012. He has been doing so we but recently has began to experience a worrying pain in his chest, the doctor has said indigestion?! But I know it is not this as when he gets it and how it hurts really doesn't go with it. He is going to contact his oncologist next week but I am scared it is not good, well of course it isn't going to be good!!!

Then there's my mum, she has been having tummy troubles for a few months, and has also had trouble going to the toilet switching from constipation to loose stools. She gets pain in her stomach and wind. The doctor is sending her for a ultrasound and maybe a endoscopy. Due to her age 56 and symptoms I am convinced it's going to be bowel of ovary cancer! What else could it be?

I just can't bear these haunting thoughts of my parents who are my best friends possibly both having cancer! Really?! Why does bad stuff happen to good people. I don't want to lose them, my dad has fought so hard and it has been at times so easy to forget his diagnosis but now with this pain I am petrified we are going to hear more life shattering news and with my mum too.

28-06-14, 00:12
Sorry to hear about your dad

Your mum could just have IBS and nothing sinister

28-06-14, 00:39
As Nicola said it could be IBS which has been caused by the stress of your dads cancer. There is a type of IBS which I suffer from which switches between loose stools, constipation or regular stools, it happens (sorry about the comparison) but a bit like a woman's menstrual cycle but your mum's gp is taking everything into consideration.