View Full Version : UPDATE: Need to make 'routine appointment' after blood, stool and urine tests

26-06-14, 13:35
Arrgh - see my last post about Ovarian Cancer for my symptoms but in short I went for blood tests on Tuesday and handed in stool and urine samples.

I have just called for my results and the receptionist had a note for me to make a routine appointment with the doc.

I had full blood and urine culture just over a week ago at a&e and they came back fine so I'm worried it must be the stool sample - if they found blood or anything would I have to make an urgent appointment or would it just be routine??

Surely I wouldn't have to go in if everything was clear.

I can't go until Tuesday morning and my anxiety levels are THROUGH THE ROOF!!!!

26-06-14, 13:47
The wording was routine not urgent so that should tell you that it is nothing too serious

Why don't you ask them what result was abnormal if it was

26-06-14, 14:13
Can you ask that?? I guess it's worth a shot!

---------- Post added at 14:13 ---------- Previous post was at 14:02 ----------

The wording was routine not urgent so that should tell you that it is nothing too serious

Why don't you ask them what result was abnormal if it was

If they found blood in my stool do you reckon it would be more urgent?? :wacko:

Catherine S
26-06-14, 14:23
Just reading back through your other posts about your bowel cancer fear....are you on any meds for your anxiety? This could be what your doctor wants to discuss as i'm sure if they had any concerns they would want to talk to you straight away...not leave you to make an appointment when you can fit one in. Blood in stools doesn't automatically point to cancer, there are other conditions that it can result from such as ibs which has been suggested and even something like interior haemhorroids.


26-06-14, 14:55
If I'm totally honest and not anxious I think that's what this appointment might be about as I've been telling her I'm stressed for a few weeks.
Would you recommend meds? I've only been suffering badly with anxiety for a few weeks but then again my friends have referred to my 'nervous twitch' and suggested I take up meditation so maybe I am more nervy than I thought!?


Catherine S
26-06-14, 15:04
Well its probably best for the doctor to do the recommending to be honest...hence the appointment maybe. There may be other ways to help you cope without meds at first. Just reassuring you about your results could be enough to make you feel better.


26-06-14, 16:06
So guys after me stress about this docs appointment, the hour I sobbed to my boyfriend last night about ovarian cancer and the dream I had about my ovary turning black and coming out of my belly button I am now experiencing aches EVERYWHERE - my legs and arms feel so heavy and exhausted and my poor tummy feels so tender and achey.
Does this point to anxiety?
I am going home to visit my family this weekend so am planning to try and take my mind off everything until Tuesday when I will hopefully have some answers.

I'm feeling quite relieved that at least I can now speak to my doctor who was reluctant to discuss any treatment before these tests - has anyone else ever had this achey feeling with relief and starting to relax a little?

26-06-14, 18:08
I'm sure this will be nothing to worry about. To give you an example I had a conversation with our surgery nurse this week who told me if there are any concerns regarding blood tests the lab will ring the surgery and tell them to get hold of the patient that day.

A friend of mine was diagnosed with diabetes, she was called within 24 hours and told to go in the surgery the same day. Another friend of mine had low blood potassium she had her blood test on the friday and they rang her on the Monday morning and all that was for was to tell her to pick up a prescription for potassium tablets. So if those examples are anything to go by I honestly don't think this will be anything to worry about. I believe stool and urine sample turn arounds are quick too so I'm sure if there was any suspicion of it being anything serious they would be calling you in the same day!

Take care

26-06-14, 18:28
When I was pregnant I had to get a blood test to confirm (is that regular practice?) and they told me I had to go in for the results, even though it was just to check for pregnancy I was absolutely terrified! Needless to say thats all I had to go in for, they said they aren't allowed to tell results over the phone!
You may even be a little low on iron, could be anything, as someone mentioned though if it was serious they would be telling you to get in ASAP.

26-06-14, 20:45
Thank you! I called the receptionist who said I shouldn't worry and urine and blood looks okay to her as far as she can see.
Stool sample isn't back so guess the dr is just checking to see I'm okay.
Hopefully it will be back on Monday so she can give me the result!
Still doesn't explain these tummy pains though! Xxx